For mums 2b in March 2006.....Question time for July 2005


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Jun 28, 2005
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Ok this is an advance on the few questions i asked on another topic.....I thought it would be a good idea to find out loads of stuff about each other and our pregnancies as each month notes if you like :lol:

1. Your age and location?
2. Is this your first child?
3. How long were you trying to concieve (or was it unplanned)?
4. When and how did you find out you were pregnant?
5. Have you had a scan yet?
6. Have you seen your midwife yet?
7. Do you "feel" pregnant?
8. List your symptoms so far.
9. Have you started to put on weight?
10. Do you smoke?

(If you do smoke and wish to give up and havnt yet already found support contact the NHS Pregnancy Helpline on 08001699169 between 12 midday to 9pm every day......they dont judge, dont make you feel guilty and are very suportive......good luck)
Copy and paste these questions in to a reply then just type in the answers....i will try and think of some different questions for next month.....lets be nosey and see how we all get on :P

xxxxx Faye xxxxx
1. Your age and location?
Im 25 and live in Gloucester uk.

2. Is this your first child?
Yes....very nervous and excited.

3. How long were you trying to concieve (or was it unplanned)?
It was our 2nd month of trying so abot 5-6 weeks, we were really lucky.

4. When and how did you find out you were pregnant?
More or less the 1st day of week 4......its been a long 4 weeks lol. I found out through 4 or 5 home tests!

5. Have you had a scan yet?
No not yet we are waiting for our appointment i think inbetween 10 and 12 weeks. We cant wait, I think its a big relief when you get that scan.

6. Have you seen your midwife yet?
Yes her name is Sally and shes lovely, shes coming to see me at about 11 weeks. I saw her at 5-6 weeks....just cos i was excited and wanted to do something lol.

7. Do you "feel" pregnant?
No, it really hasnt hit home yet, its like im telling people but not really believing it myself, I cant wait till the scan or till i start showing.

8. List your symptoms so far.
Ive been quite lucky really but here they r;
Enlarging.....VERY sore boobs.
Tiredness (thats horrible)
Abit up n down in mood
My nose has started to feel bunged up...i dont know if thats a symptom though lol
And bloated

9. Have you started to put on weight?
Just being bloated it gets worse as the day goes on.....looks like im 6 months by bed time!

10. Do you smoke?
Yes but cut back and gonna stop after my holiday which will be 6th Aug.
I think this is a great idea - seeing as we are all heading down the same road at the same time - we could go into competion to see who gives birth first!!!!! :lol:

Here are my answers: (Faye - my answers are very similar to yours!!)

1. Your age and location?
I'm 31 and Live in Leicester

2. Is this your first child?

3. How long were you trying to concieve (or was it unplanned)?
was only trying for two months - got pg in the second month!! so very lucky.

4. When and how did you find out you were pregnant?
Had Period pain type cramps when about 3 days before I was due on. I thought this was a bit strange as I only have Period pains on the day I come on. Went home early one friday as it was getting on my nerves and bought a pregnancy test that day to do the week after - got home though and decieded to do it 'for the fun of it' and it came up positive almost instantly!!!!!!

5. Have you had a scan yet?
Yes early scan at 6 weeks - only the sac could be seen due to it being too early and too much gas!!! :oops:

6. Have you seen your midwife yet?
No but would really like to as have a lot of questions

7. Do you "feel" pregnant?
Wierd to answer - not really just feel different with being tired / worried about it all time - not 'enjoying' the worrying part. Looking forward to the nice bit - e.g the Bump / maternity clothes / baby shopping lol

8. List your symptoms so far.
The cramps have gone which are worrying me - but the tiredness is killing me - came home at lunch again today to sleep! Got in bed at 1.00pm and have only just woke up at 6.00!!! Feel nauseas most of the day too- but stave it off by eating little and often.

9. Have you started to put on weight?
I have put on 2/3 pounds but it looks more a lot more than that - my belly is massive but I think its just bloating. I put on another post somewhere that i look like Im in the 3rd Trimester by the look of my belly!!!!

10. Do you smoke?
Yes :cry: Finding it very very difficult to even contemplate giving up - and I know how bad it is - which is why I feel even more bad about it. Am cutting down at present.
Forgot to mention my boobs - hurting BIG STYLE. Cant even touch them and have to wear really padded bras lol
This is a great idea for a thread.. was hoping to "chat" to others at similar stage as I haven't really told anyone yet and its driving me mad that I know so little and am soooooo anxious!!

1. Your age and location?
I am 36 and live in Nottingham

2. Is this your first child?
Yes, but I have had 2 very early m/c

3. How long were you trying to concieve (or was it unplanned)?
We had just decided to start trying and then during a romantic weekend in Italy [for a friends wedding] we were rather happy and so I think it happened there.... so we were trying for about a month I suppose.

4. When and how did you find out you were pregnant?
Had a funny feeling when weird cramping 2 weeks before period due but then no real PMT symptoms... did test after period was 2 days late. In fact I did 3 tests to be sure!!

5. Have you had a scan yet?

6. Have you seen your midwife yet?
Seeing her on August 1st

7. Do you "feel" pregnant?
NO not really. thats why I want a scan so badly.. anxious as hell!!

8. List your symptoms so far.
Mild cramping and lower abdominal pains on left then right side week 4 [when period expected] then occasionally light headed.
Weeing all the time from week 4 too.
No nausea or sickness at all yet...?
Boobs became swollen and tender week 5 & 6. A bit better now but still swollen.
Very tired [wish I could take naps at work!!] during the day
Very hungry all the time!! Eating all day it seems.
Insomnia.. wake up for loo several times a night and then wide awake at 5am!!

9. Have you started to put on weight?
Not sure.. haven't weighed myself but seem a bit bloated

10. Do you smoke?
No.. but I miss my wine and chocolate!!


Ooh this is a GOOD idea! Have already seen people going through same things as me!
1. Your age and location?
29, Manchester (but from Wales originally!)
2. Is this your first child?
First - VERY excited! Had miscarriage at 7 weeks with previous (horrible) husband about 2 yrs ago.
3. How long were you trying to concieve (or was it unplanned)?
Bit of an "oops" but we were going at it like bunny rabbits with no protection! Came off pill in February so about 4 months.
4. When and how did you find out you were pregnant?
Being an obsessive personality I'd bought a vile of tests from a medical website so could do loads of tests for very little cost. Found out week I was due on. Same strange peiod pains about day 24 - week before I should have come on.
5. Have you had a scan yet?
Glad to not have one at this early stage, no news is good news. Had early (and therefore internal) scan last time and the bloody person REALLY hurt me moving the thing up there from side to side to "take a look at my tubes" - I'm not built to go that way, Hello!
6. Have you seen your midwife yet?
No, midwife at GP super busy so not managing to see her until I'm 8 weeks.
7. Do you "feel" pregnant?
Not really, all a bit unreal as it wasn't meant to happen so quickly!
8. List your symptoms so far.
Period pains - some pretty bad every now and again
VERY sore boobs and darkening nips.
Bloated, really swollen with awful diarrhea - been off sick all week, can't leave house it's so bad. Can I take immodium safely??
9. Have you started to put on weight?
Already a heffer so the weight gain won't show up so much - about two pounds so far.
10. Do you smoke?
No gave up last August - hence the heffer comment. Put on lots of weight after quitting fags 'coz didn't monitor what I was eating.

So good to hear from you all!!
1, your age= 42 location Grimsby N/E Lincs

2, is this your first child = 4th

3, how long where you TTC = wasn't but happy :lol:

4, when and how did you find out you where pregnant = well missed period was a good sign then soar boobs throwing up and strange taste in my mouth then i tested and got a BFP now i'm 6 weeks today :lol:

5 have you had a scan yet = no not yet about 3-4 weeks i think midwife appointment on 3rd of Aug

6, have you seen your midwife yet lol = no going on 3rd of Aug lookin forward to it

7,do you feel pregnant = yes very i know i have had 3 children which are grown up my youngest is 17 but i do feel very pregnant i can't fit in any of my clothes i had to buy a new bra 2 cup sizes bigger, and i swear i can feel this baby moving which i know is imposible if i am only 6 weeks pregnant so i could be further on than i think .....

8, list your symptoms so far=
2am morning sickness
soar boob
swollen boobs
swollen belly
hard belly
no period
thrush (treated)
horrible taste in mouth
really strong sence of smell
no sleep
want me to go on lol

9, have you started to put on weight = errm well my belly has increased in size and my boobs are 2 cup sizes bigger so i must have put on some weight by now but i haven't checked

10, do you smoke = no never have never will never wanted to

there you go now you know as much about my pregnancy as i do lol xxxx
1. Your age and location?

I am 30 and Live just North of Portsmouth (so near the sea) in Hampshire, UK

2. Is this your first child?

Nope this is number three, already have a boy of 5 and a girl of 4.

3. How long were you trying to concieve (or was it unplanned)?

We tried for three months with no luck then we stopped trying as I was supposed to have an operation and bingo I fell pregnant!!!

4. When and how did you find out you were pregnant?

My aunt flow is as regular as it could be so when I suddenly realised I was a few days late I did a test - hubby was working in London so I sent him a picture on his phone of the possitive test with the words "you're gonna be a daddy again!!"

5. Have you had a scan yet?

No - we only get one here and thats at 16 weeks :(

6. Have you seen your midwife yet?

No - our first appointment is ten weeks - saw the GP who said all was well with wee sample, blood pressure etc!!

7. Do you "feel" pregnant?

Oh yes.....I am starting to resemble a small barrell already - I seemed to show early with my second and this seems the same. I feel tired and VERY fussy with my food - can only eat what I really fancy. Yesterday that was Jelly and ice cream and I normally hate Jelly!!

8. List your symptoms so far.

Slight sicky feeling when tired or hungry.
Boobs growing which is a bonus for an A cup girl!!!
Tummy growing
Darker nipples.
Seem to be blessed with extra discharge!! (sorry TMI)
Crampy tummy when I stand up
I can smell everything 100 times more!!

9. Have you started to put on weight?

No luckily I have actually lost 3lb which is a blessing as I am already a size 16-18 so don't want to pile it on, I put on loads with my first and second but this time I am trying to be more sensible.......yeah right!! I am sure I will gain some soon, I actually lost weight in the first few weeks with my first so maybe that means its a boy - who knows!!

10. Do you smoke?

No, thankfully never have (except one menthol cigarette on a very drunken night out once!!) A lot of my family are smokers so I admire all of you who are trying hard to cut back or quit alltogether!!

Love to you all!!!
This is a cool idea!!!!

1. Your age and location?
I am 23 and from the New Forest in Hampshire

2. Is this your first child?
Yes and i'm already so scared!

3. How long were you trying to concieve (or was it unplanned)?
We were TTC 17 long months!!!!!!!!!!!! and had just been to our first fertility app at hospital on the day we conceived!

4. When and how did you find out you were pregnant?
I just knew a day before was due AF dont ask me how i can know something i've never felt before i just did, ive really freaked myself out. Took 2 tests and knew when i did them what the result would be, i got a really dark line a day before AF due!

5. Have you had a scan yet?
Kind of, i had a fertility check ultrasound of ovaries two weeks ago before i found out. That was two weeks after we concieved so i will be interested to see on Thursday (get some blood tests results then) if they could see my little prawn waving at them?! Proper scan no!

6. Have you seen your midwife yet?
No, should i book that up?

7. Do you "feel" pregnant?
Um i am still in shock but the sickness this morning has brought it to reality.

8. List your symptoms so far.
Missed AF
Morning sickness
Upset stomach (TMI sorry)
CM increase big time

9. Have you started to put on weight?
I dont know i dont have scales!

10. Do you smoke?
No ive never even tried it! Yuk!
1. Your age and location?
I'm 26 and live in Portadown, northern Ireland

2. Is this your first child?
Yes, very excited always doted on kids and babies

3. How long were you trying to concieve (or was it unplanned)?
Got pregnant the third month after coming off the pill in April.

4. When and how did you find out you were pregnant?
My husband was away with our youth group the wknd before my period was due. Got period pains which convinced me I wasn't pregnant - had no idea that it was a symptom of pregnancy - so told hubby wasn't pregnant. Period was a day late and I was cleaning out the bathroom so decided to use a home test - big shock when it came up positive!

5. Have you had a scan yet?
no but can't wait for one!

6. Have you seen your midwife yet?
Nope not for another couple of weeks

7. Do you "feel" pregnant?
Sometimes - probably will when I've told more people and then it'll be more real

8. List your symptoms so far.
Sore nipples
Constipation on holiday - missed my bran flakes!!!
Exhausted - could sleep at any time of the day for ages
Nauseous - can't spell that

9. Have you started to put on weight?
Don't know put on a bit b4 I got pregnant anyway.

10. Do you smoke?
No never have. Feel sorry for those that do.

Shall we do new questions each month then?
1. Your age and location?
2. Is this your first child?
3. How long were you trying to concieve (or was it unplanned)?
4. When and how did you find out you were pregnant?
5. Have you had a scan yet?
6. Have you seen your midwife yet?
7. Do you "feel" pregnant?
8. List your symptoms so far.
9. Have you started to put on weight?
10. Do you smoke?
yes this is a cool idea!!

. Your age and location? im 31 and i live in dorset
2. Is this your first child? nope my third. just got married and my hubby has no kids so i thought i would make him one!
3. How long were you trying to concieve (or was it unplanned)? about one year
4. When and how did you find out you were pregnant?did a home test when i realised i was a few days late
5. Have you had a scan yet?nope going to on tueday!
6. Have you seen your midwife yet?yes this week. not much point in going to see midwife until 10 to 12 weeks.
7. Do you "feel" pregnant? yes and look it!
8. List your symptoms so far.mega sore boobs, very very tired, fussy eating! i can only eat stuff made for me not my own cooking!
9. Have you started to put on weight? must of as i getting bigger
10. Do you smoke? yes 5 a day but seeing an nhs lady next week to help me stop.

keep in touch ladys it nice to hear what other people going through who are at the same stage x x x
:lol: Oooo i love things like this!

1. Your age and location? 27 - Hertfordshire

2. Is this your first child? yes

3. How long were you trying to concieve (or was it unplanned)? 3 month lucky - came off bcp April 12th 05!

4. When and how did you find out you were pregnant? BFP at 11dpo but kinda knew from 8dpo when I had IB!

5. Have you had a scan yet? No - I wish I could...

6. Have you seen your midwife yet? no, and haven't even had it confirmed at docs - oops.

7. Do you "feel" pregnant? yes, and strangely I look it too (must be gas and water retention :oops: )

8. List your symptoms so far.
Bigger bbs from 34B to 36C
blue veins on bbs
nausea, off food, want cheese!

9. Have you started to put on weight? I haven't weighed myself, but feel like I have - but I do tend to retain lots of water!

10. Do you smoke? ) Nope, never even tried ONE!

I loved reading everyone elses answers!

Goody, I love being nosy about everyone else!! And for those of you who are just as nosy, here's my answers.

1. Your age and location?
I'm 34 and live in Burton on Trent.

2. Is this your first child?

3. How long were you trying to concieve (or was it unplanned)?
Been trying for about 18 months, maybe 12 of those in a scientific way!

4. When and how did you find out you were pregnant?
I did a test because I was supposed to be going to a big dinner and just wanted to check it's be fine to get wrecked. Couldn't believe it when the line appeared!! I did 2 more tests before I really believed it, one straight away and one that evening (in case I'd become un-pg in 8 hours!).

5. Have you had a scan yet?
No, it's supposed to be being booked for 12 weeks, but don't have a date yet.

6. Have you seen your midwife yet?
Yes, and she's lovely.

7. Do you "feel" pregnant?
Erm, not sure really. Feel a bit woozy and my boobs are very sore, so I suppose I do.

8. List your symptoms so far.
Sore boobs, no period, positive test(s), slight implantation bleeding, bit icky, tired, irritable, gone off food.

9. Have you started to put on weight?
No, have actually lost a little, probably 'cos I can't stand food!

10. Do you smoke?

This is such a great idea.

1. Your age and location?
I'm 30 and live in Melton Mowbray

2. Is this your first child?

3. How long were you trying to concieve (or was it unplanned)?
Yes planned we had been TTC for 12 months

4. When and how did you find out you were pregnant?
I did a test on the day my AF was due at 4.34 in the morning as I couldnt wait any longer! DH didnt quite believe it so we did another one later that day.

5. Have you had a scan yet?
No, not yet I am waiting to hear from the midwife.

6. Have you seen your midwife yet?
No not yet, hopefully soon

7. Do you "feel" pregnant?
Not really.

8. List your symptoms so far.
Really sore boobs, V V tired, increase in bra cup size, bloated a lot of the time.

9. Have you started to put on weight?
Even though I have gone up a bra size and feel like I have, I havent!

10. Do you smoke?
Hi all ,Abbey here, thought i'd answer these questions to take my mind off the sickness for 5 mins!

1. Your age and location? I'm 30 and in Southampton Hampshire.

2. Is this your first child? No, this is my 3rd, already have one of each, aged 6 & 7.

3. How long were you trying to concieve (or was it unplanned)? Only about 2 months, super fertile!

4. When and how did you find out you were pregnant? I did a test once I was a week overdue, had been having severe pain in one breast so was a relief to find out it was pregnancy and not something worse!

5. Have you had a scan yet? No, and I'm a bit miffed as midwife told me i have to wait till 20 wks, I had 12 wk scans for both my others.

6. Have you seen your midwife yet? Yes, but only briefly. I saw her at 8 wks as doc told me to make a booking in appointment when I saw him. After waiting half an hr whilst feeling horribly sick in a Very hot waiting room, she told me I was far too early and to come back at 12 wks! I've got my booking in app this thurs so hopefully she'll be a bit nicer now!

7. Do you "feel" pregnant? Actually, I feel awful! If I didn't know I was pregnant I'd think I had something terminal!

8. List your symptoms so far. I've been feeling really, really nauseous since wk 6, but have only actually been sick a couple times. Have gone off practically all types of food but feel 1000 times worse if I don't eat so have basically been force feeding myself! I've also suffered with constipation quite a few times, heartburn, and have trouble sleeping. I'm also really tired nearly all the time and also keep feeling cold when everyone else is hot! Have also got extremely painful boobs which have grown a lot!

9. Have you started to put on weight? Have got a bit of a belly but think the rest of me has shrunk! Haven't weighed myself so don't know for sure.

10. Do you smoke? I did until I found out, gave up the sameday1 I did the same with my first but unfortunately started again when second was a year old, this time I've stopped for life though!

That's it!
Abbey. :D
1. Your age and location?
21 / Scotland, Larkhall

2. Is this your first child?
no this is my second

3. How long were you trying to concieve (or was it unplanned)?
first was unplanned and this time concieved within 3 months of comming off the pill

4. When and how did you find out you were pregnant?
my periods were late, i was passing out, so done a home test it came back pos and handed a sample in at the doctors

5. Have you had a scan yet?
yes had a scan and found out i was 15 and a half weeks
6. Have you seen your midwife yet?
saw her 4 weeks before my scan

7. Do you "feel" pregnant?

8. List your symptoms so far.
being sick, back ache, head aches, really bad pains just above my pubic line.

9. Have you started to put on weight?
ive always had a problem putting on weight with my first i stayed at 6 and a half stone all through my pregnancy well it only lasted to 29 weeks but this time im now 31 weeks and im now at 7 and a half stone and feel a bit healthier and my clothes are starting to look normal on me.

10. Do you smoke?
yes :cry: :cry: :cry:
ive tried giving up but im down to 5 a day from 20 a day so im getting their but still 5 too many.
Just a massive bit late but never knew thos post existed lol. Better late than never!

1. Your age and location?
24, live in Glasgow, Scotland

2. Is this your first child?
Yes if you dont include pets lol!

3. How long were you trying to concieve (or was it unplanned)?
Took 5 months although we hadnt even gave it a proper try.

4. When and how did you find out you were pregnant?
Went to the doctors with pains on my right side, couldnt think of what it was until he gave me a pregnancy test and a positive result ended the wondering! lol

5. Have you had a scan yet?
Been having one ever 4 weeks since initial scan at 13 weeks due to bleeding.

6. Have you seen your midwife yet?
Meet a different one at ever scan I get, hard to remember names!

7. Do you "feel" pregnant?
Very much so but wouldnt change it for the world.

8. List your symptoms so far.
Lightheaded, boaking at slightest thing, nowadays its the backache, sleeplessnights.

9. Have you started to put on weight?
tyhe instant I found out i was pregnant I think i gained like a stone lol

10. Do you smoke?
Disgusting habit

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