For ladies in their last month....


Well-Known Member
Mar 22, 2007
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Have you noticec loads of changes or is ot just me? My body is changing at a alarming rate, it was all going so easy now i have really slowed down,the stretch marks are getting bigger and the bump is just growing and growing!
Plus when im in bed and roll over it takes half a fecking hour now :shock: im disturbing hubby and thew need to pee all hours is unbearable.

Thank god its all over soon!
I know!! when i drop something on the floor now i just say 'you can stay there' lol.

Whats driving me mad is going for a wee and only managing to do 2 drops. By the time Ive washed and dried my hands, walked back to the bedroom i have a full bladder again :evil:

Im really trying hard to convince myself i really need to be cherishing these last few days, but some how i just cant seem to :rotfl:
when i drop something on the floor now i just say 'you can stay there'

A friend rang me today and I said I was cleaning the kitchen. She got all excited and started saying 'oooh, your nesting!' I said 'no, it's just the midwife is visiting me at home tomorrow and I dropped a bowl of Alpen last week and I couldn't be bothered to clean it up then :lol:
mayday said:
when i drop something on the floor now i just say 'you can stay there'

A friend rang me today and I said I was cleaning the kitchen. She got all excited and started saying 'oooh, your nesting!' I said 'no, it's just the midwife is visiting me at home tomorrow and I dropped a bowl of Alpen last week and I couldn't be bothered to clean it up then :lol:

hehe, not just me then? how comes you get home visits from your mw? :shakehead:
I know I'm not as far gone as some in 3rd tri..! But I want to skip the queue as I just want little one out now please :pray:

Getting out of bed hurts cos it uses stomach muscles, which hurts. I can't get out of the bath.. OH has to help me out.
I have to use shower gel that's called 'energising' or something similar as if I get too sleepy I lose my balance a bit and have had to grab the shower screen before to stop me falling out.
I think little one thinks it's fun to head butt me really low down.
I'm fed up of noticing new stretch marks gradually getting higher and higher up my belly.
It takes me twice as long to walk anywhere and even trips to town need planning - furthest shop first - so I carry bags the smallest distance possible.
I'm fed up of a night out of the house meaning a non alcoholic drink at the pub - I want to be able to go bowling/ice skating/organise and goto a gig.
I want to be able bend over and put my socks and shoes on without making animal noises.
I can't walk up the stairs as I keep losing my balance, so I crawl up on all fours.
I've done everything in the nursery, so I'm just sitting waiting and I wish I was using my maternity leave being with my little one instead of waiting.

At the same time I'm loving every miracle minute of being pregnant, and growing a little baby inside me, but it's difficult to be enthusiastic when most things hurt! I love you really baby, but really it's just getting too much now.
I'm the same, I'm joining in!!

* I drop things on the floor too (yes it remains there!)
* Severe drop in energy levels
* Increase in grumpy mood levels
* I agree with TD on the peeing, 2 drops and a second later I feel bursting to go again :roll:
* I feel quite unsettled just now too

I'm sure there are other last few week changes but those jump out at me straight away.
Do I even have to say anything? I think everyone knows what I've been like. :D
I had a bad night last night:
-Peed every bloody two hours (yes seriously)
-Horrible diahheor
-LO kept waking up due to his daddys snoring and crawled into my bed!So 3 or 4 times i had to get him out and put him back, and bottles of bloomin milkshake as well for him everytime!His dad slept effortlessly on (asshole)
Kept getting major cramp in my legs and everytime i stretched them my miscles pulled in my calves and big owch!!!
And drained in the process of getting up at least a litre of water as thirst really got to me!

Please baby come by my dates and be here in 3 weeks instead of 4.

I know my LMP was 2nd november so my dates have to be right dont they?
:hug: Sorry to hear you were unwell MrsTommo. I was also rough last night and am feeling very "morning after" today. :(

Yes, in the last month, baby doesn't stop growing so the bump just gets bigger. I can vouch for that even in the 39th and 40th weeks my bump has become more cumbersome.

I stopped picking things up off the floor a few weeks back. It's too difficult. Thing I hate the most at the moment is my feet - they are dry and cracked from wearing hard flip flops all the time yet I can't reach them comfortably to treat them. Last night I tried to put cream on them before bed and ended up breathless for about 10 mins. :wall:
yea im having probs with sleeping especially wen i get the jumpy legs their so annoying.back to taking the iron tablets properly so hopefully that will help :)

ive put on about a stone and half or there about.
To put it in a nutshell i feel like a whale, beached or otherwise.

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