For carrie ann

tracey hun i'm thinkin of you through this difficult time babe. :hug: :hug:

you know i'm here if you ever need to talk. :hug:

Happy birthday sweet little angel. god bless :hug:
Aw hun, thinking of you & Carrie-Ann.
You are so very strong, and your girl knows how much you love her. I am sure she is watching over you & your bump and feels lucky to have a mummy who is so strong, loving and caring.
Much love sweetie x-x-x
Hi tracey, hope your feeling ok i know what a difficult day it would of been for :hug: :hug: i know how your probably feeling you feel bad for for feeling happy about your pregnancy this time but i bet there isnt a day goes by without thinking about carrie-ann i know thats what i would feel like too but theres nothing to feel guilty over your little angel will be so happy for you having a little brother or sister to watch over and help make mummy happy keep strong hun. :hug:
:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:

I am so sorry for your loss Tracey, although life moves on, our losts ones are always there. It sounds as though you did the right thing this weekend...I hope it has brought you peace. :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
Your little angels are lucky to have such a great mum, as is your new baby, and you are lucky to have such special angels keeping an eye on you, your words to your little girl were beautiful :hug: :hug:
aww...i dread the DD of baby Starr..i dont know if i can handle my dear are a truly amazing strong person and i admire you
oh sweetie i was thinking bout u wen u text me, me and brayds send u big hugs

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