food :?

Riley's Mommy

Well-Known Member
Nov 11, 2006
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i was so hungry a minute ago. and OH made me a big meal of sausages, chunky homemade chips, hash brown and spaggetti.

but i couldnt eat it. i felt so sick when i started to eat it.

why is this? is this normal?

didnt really want to make another thread with this but kinda had to.
Oh yes!!!! Normal normal normal!!! :cheer:

My OH has made me plenty of nice big meals over the past months & when I start eating either I'm not hungry any more or my throat closes up all of a sudden....or just like you when in 1st tri the smell would just make me urge :puke:

I just stuck to uncooked food like sandwiches or snacks and had a good sniff before it even touched my mouth!

Don't'll pass.....touch wood I've just about got my appetite back :pray:
P.S. That lunch sounds nice......can I have it if you can't eat it? I can't be bothered to cook :hug:
thanks emmy. i was getting really confused. as a few days ago i was eating everything in sight. and i really wanted the breckie. but just couldnt eat it for the life of me.

glad it is normal. i might stick to things like toast and marmite for a while (mmmmm *drool* )

this is where im told i cant have marmite isnt it lol

pregnancy huh :lol:

yiour more than welcome to it if you like :lol: i aint gna be eating it :puke:

ETA: so much for eating the world when your pregnant. ive had more aversions than cravings lol.

i did desperately want a choccie muffin the other day though. never did get it :(

can i drink coffee still. was about to make one and thought i remembered someone saying somethign about caffine :pray:
caffines a no no now - a cup occasionaly wont do any harm but if you drink it like a fish it can cause problems withb the plecenter. (i should know, i was starved in my mums womb for months - ended up being 2lbs when i was born - full term!) - they recently discoverd caffine can do this (my muim drank tones of coffee when pregnant with me - this was back in the early 80s tho before they knew)

move to decafe - i have with Tea (i drink about 10 cups aday) - havent noticed the difference if im honest!
:? i dont drink much coffee. im more a coke person (diet coke) is this high in caffine too?

i did have a tea the other day and out of curiosity asked oh if tea had caffine in it. apparently it has more :shock:

ill make this cup my last for a while now.

but coke :cry:
hmmm im not 100% about coke - it does have some caffine in - but the ammount im unsure of. We always have cans of coke in (i usually have one with me dinner of a night - but recently ive gone off it - prefering apple juice/orange juice instead) - i really dont know...

anyone else know?
Here you go girly wirlies.....i though I'd check this as I'm a real tea monster....I do stick to decaff at home - it doesn't taste any different, well the typhoo one doesn't this from the babycentre:

Do I have to give up caffeine now that I'm pregnant?

Not necessarily. You can still enjoy your favourite caffeinated drinks as long as you don't overdo it. Guidelines issued by the Food Standards Agency recommend that women have no more than 300mg of caffeine a day while pregnant. This is equivalent to three mugs of instant coffee or six cups of tea or eight cans of cola per day. Although moderate amounts of caffeine are unlikely to harm you or your unborn baby, some women choose to cut out caffeine completely.

get the kettle on then....mines milk with one :hug:

P.S. Thanks for the lunch kelso...the chips were good!!!
I used to drink galloons of diet coke, but was getting palpatations which have gone now I only drink around 1-2 cans per week.

I have one cup of coffee a day normally, but have about 5-6 cups of tea. I have my tea dead weak, the tea bag gets a quick dunk then out-but I have become a real tea monster since being PG-its a real craving of mine at the mo. I even had to have one before bed last night!! :shock:
usually i cant stand coffe, but ive just had an urge to make a milky coffee, ...its divine !
I think coke has about the same amount of caffiene or slightly less than a cup of tea, so I reckonthats a max of 4 cans a day.
so normal.

I feel like I'm mega hungry but when the food is in front of me I so go off it!

Can eat abit then I'm full up! :shock:

Kelso66 it is definetly normal :lol: like you my first pregnancy i had more food aversions then anything. As for coffee i know were not suppost to have one but i wanted a tim hortons french vanilla and i drank about half of it and i :puke: so no more for me :?
I am a complete tea monster - I actually don't know how many cups I would drink in a day, but must be at least 10.
I will be trying to cut down a bit - and decaff is a good idea, perhaps I could alternate - 1 normal, 1 decaff....
But hey, I've given up drinking AND smoking - gotta have something left to enjoy!!!!!!!!
delmesgirl said:
I am a complete tea monster - I actually don't know how many cups I would drink in a day, but must be at least 10.
I will be trying to cut down a bit - and decaff is a good idea, perhaps I could alternate - 1 normal, 1 decaff....
But hey, I've given up drinking AND smoking - gotta have something left to enjoy!!!!!!!!

Exactly! A friend of mine switched to decaff, and she would mix half normal teabags and half decaff teabags into her tea jar, then it was just whichever she picked out that she drank, rather than consciously choosing either or.

Well done on the no smoking still too hun :cheer: :hug:
I am dreading going off food...... I love cooking and eat like a horse normally!

Cooking over the weekend made me feel really odd, did not enjoy it at all.

I also suddenly got really paranoid about sell by dates and things being dodgy! threw away lots of (perfectly good I am sure) food.............
its not nice. ive only had a couple of cravings (which may just be me being greedy lol)

i miss food at times. couldnt eat my cooked breckie this morning :(

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