Folic Acid/Pregoday


Well-Known Member
Sep 3, 2011
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Hi all,

My GP prescribed me Pregoday after their blood test confirmed i was pregnant - this is basically an iron/folic acid tablet that you're meant to take daily. I was given this at about 5 weeks but didnt take it straight away as there was misleading info on the leaflet that said it was only suitable after 13 weeks. Anyway, i asked my midwife about this and she said folic acid is most important during the first trimester! Confusing! So i took it from about 8 weeks onwards. I'm now around 13 weeks and keep forgetting to take it. I don't really miss the iron as it didn't really help in making me feel less tired at all. But does anyone know when it's ok to stop taking the folic acid? If it can keep benefiting baby i'll keep taking it. if not i'm not going to bother. The doc gave me about 3 months worth so not sure if i should take them til they run out...xx
I've been taking folic acid for about 3 years now! When I found out I was pg I carried on but started takin pg multivits. I dish it up with my dinner each nite. The food is for me, the tablet for Pip! Lol! Folic acid is the most important to take during the 1st tri but still has benefits after that xx
u only need to take it for first twelve weeks. it is up to u if u wanna take it longer. i have read in a few places that folic acid in the third trimester is not good at all, but then my MW has asked me to take pregnancy vitamins and they all have folic acid in, and are designed for whole pregnancy, so im very confused!

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