Flying to the UK on Thursday


Well-Known Member
Mar 27, 2006
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I'm flying home to the UK for a visit on Thursday until the 11th.

Its my mam's birthday on the 4th and when i asked her what she wanted she sad to cuddle her granddaughter so I'm being a good daughter and obliging!

I'm just hoping that the weather is OK for the flight and that i dont get 11 days of snow while I'm home! When i was back in December it rained for the full two weeks .

To be honest I'm dreading going back, I love my family but Ive realised i love them more when we have a few countries and some ocean between us all lol. They get a bit over bearing and they dont agree with anything i do with Thea! Cloth nappies and breastfeeding are for hippies if you ask my family! I've got to go see the mother in law too, hopefully she got all her nasty spiteful comments about Thea out last time because I may just have to thump her if she does it again.

No doubt i will be on here while im over to try to keep some sanity!
aww chick - enjoy seeing your family - have a good time :wave: :cheer:
Melanie said:
No doubt i will be on here while im over to try to keep some sanity!

sanity! have you read some of these threads :rotfl:

enjoy your time over here:)
awww mel i hope you do have a good time, why not just get the thumping over with as soon as she opens the door, bop her on the nose and say "thats before you start!" :hug: :hug: :hug:
aww brilliant you're coming back for a bit, where are you're family?
you're a grat mum & as long as you know & believe that you have to rise above the comments they make (hard though :wall: )
sometimes i think people make comments regarding bringing up children cozs i think secretly they wish they could have done that themselves ie breastfeeding, my MIL never really makes comments to me, just slags me off behind my back :roll:
i'm too strict etc!!! i her opinion anyway!
most people who critiscise (sp) are insecure about themselves!!
Thump her before she starts :lol: Excellent idea


Foxymum, I'm from County Durham, thats where all my family are. Most of them live in the same town, its over run with my relatives (ive got a bigggggggggggg family!)
I hope you have a nice time and the mil doesnt spoil it
i would say have a nice time but sounds like u need a bit of good luck more

and if MIL says nething warn her there alot of people on here u love thea and willing to get revenge
Aww that is sweet of you Mel; what a good daughter you are.

Hope you have a good stay. Families, shame we can't choose them :rotfl:

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