Fluoxetine help please


Jun 3, 2017
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I really need help and advice from those who have been on fluoxetine before, during and maybe after pregnancy.

I have to be on this as I almost lost my job through OCD, depression and anxiety... but me and my other half are desperate for a little one and have been for a while. I feel why should I let my mental health dictate another thing in my life so we are going to try. However I see so much conflicting evidence but I want to hear from real people and your experiences.

Please someone help.

Thanks xxx
I took them in my first pregnancy and was on them when I conceived, there seem to be no problems from them 15 years later and they didn't cause me any problems during my pregnancy.
That said, I wouldn't take them again in pregnancy because there has been no evidence either way on the long term effects.
It's a tricky one?
But I agree about not letting your mental health dictate your life.
For me fluoxetine were not the answer long term.
Good luck xx
Really not sure what to do for best. I hear all these stories but no ones come forward and said this happened to my baby because of fluoxetine. Like I'll read something and think ok risks are low then feel positive then one article will pop up about PPHNand heart defects. I couldn't live with myself if I caused a baby harm xx thank you for replying xx
I think its probably wise to ask your gp, then you can look at all your options xx
Really not sure what to do for best. I hear all these stories but no ones come forward and said this happened to my baby because of fluoxetine. Like I'll read something and think ok risks are low then feel positive then one article will pop up about PPHNand heart defects. I couldn't live with myself if I caused a baby harm xx thank you for replying xx

I don't think thre is any real evidence either way, and that's the problem. They can't say for certain whether any birth defects have been caused by fluoxetine or not. I was on it for ten years due to brain damage. I had a miscarriage in October last year and decided if I could get through that I could get through anything. When I spoke to my go I told them I wanted to stop taking them as they might not have had an affect but how could I know for sure, I could have been that really unlucky woman. The doctor just smiled sadly and nodded. I've been off them for 6 months now and still ttc. I've taken up running which has really helped.

My advice? Speak to your gp. Xx
Aw I'm sorry 😞
I will go to Gp but part of me is scared they'll take me off them xxx
They won't take you off them, you have to be weaned off them really with monitoring to see that your mental health isn't deteriorating.
15 years ago my dr told me to continue with my 20mg dose and no advice was given to me as to whether there could potentially be any problems.
Now I imagine there must be more advice about and its wise to chat to your gp xx
And if you're not happy with what they tell you, get a second opinion. They won't or shouldn't just take inu off them, they will give you options. And we are always here xxx
I was on fluoxetine before I fell pregnant and came off them (in GPs advice) I am now 17 weeks pregnant and i saw my consultant a couple of weeks ago. We discussed Pnd and I said I though my depression actually started during pregnancy last time. She said that fluoxetine was fine to take during pregnancy if my mental health deteriorated and I felt I needed them. So that shows, in my opinion that they are OK to take during pregnancy.

Hope that helps

I suffer with anxiety and Obsessive compulsive thoughts, with bouts of depression. I have been off citalopram since about June last year. I walked out of my last job in July..
While we were TTC i visited the doctors numerous times to try and get help. I explained my mental health was deteriorating again with the stress of TTC and it was setting off all my issues. They just offered me tablets. I left heartbroken. I was also in limbo waiting for the results of a smear that had come back as abnormal and a colposcopy. Naturally, I had built up in my mind i was going to have terminal cancer..
Myself, had i been on tablets, i would have stuck to them while TTC. It's got to be the worse 6 months of my life. Maybe when you find out you are expecting, decide at that moment if you would like to wean off them?
I am self coping at the moment, however I am fully anticipating the next 7 months will have moments of meltdowns. I have managed to get myself referred for CBT on a current waiting list of 7 months, so hopefully i can start on that around the time of babies birth.
Obviously i don't know the severity of your condition, but maybe talk to a mental health adviser. I self referred online through a let's talk wellbeing NHS service.

Good luck with it, and if you need a chat feel free to PM me x
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Thanks so much!! When are you due?
You sound like you're doing well x

I am due mid January. I feel ok at the moment, but you always know in the back of your mind things can change quickly. The midwife is aware and they have offered me some extra support through pregnancy which was good to hear. Are you in the UK? x
Yeah I'm in Scotland! You? X

Yeah Leicester, if I was you I'd try and self refer yourself via the NHS for CBT. I got so sick of getting so desperate I'd accept tablets just to make it go away, but its only like a holiday for your head. Soon as I come off them I creep back to square one. Good luck with everything, here if you want a chat x
On waiting list but I'm thinking of going private.
When are you due?
I think I'm pregnant!!! Xx
On waiting list but I'm thinking of going private.
When are you due?
I think I'm pregnant!!! Xx

I applied privately but they took both our wages into account and it was going to be about 50 quid weekly, we can't afford that right now.
Due January.
Congratulations! Xx
Jeez that's steep!!
How have you been keeping?
Do you know what you're having? So exciting!
Hopefully I am - 7 days post ovulation and getting what I think are symptoms even if only slight xx
Jeez that's steep!!
How have you been keeping?
Do you know what you're having? So exciting!
Hopefully I am - 7 days post ovulation and getting what I think are symptoms even if only slight xx

I'm good thank you, only 9/10 weeks so a few weeks till we'll know gender :)
The anxiety is there, but I'm coping. Mainly been obsessing over possibly of having had a missed miscarriage because I didn't feel very pregnant over the weekend 🙈 that all changed Monday when I woke up feeling incredibly pregnant and very poorly lol.
Try not to look into symptoms too much. I was driving myself crazy every month. Then when I did get my BFP I had no obvious symptoms at all! My advice, don't keep tests in the house and hold off testing until the day of AF. I know you'll want to know so you can move on each month, well that's how I felt, but seeing those negative tests made me incredibly depressed.
I hope it is good news for you though my lovely :dust:
Awww that's ace!! What you hoping for?
Aw I really am getting obsessed! I feel different and my boobs are killing me!!!
Aww thank you! Let me know how it goes? Xx

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