flea treatment!


Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2006
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its time to de-flea the cat...

now he is a housecat, also frontline does last much longer than the stated 4 weeks. there have been times in the past when our cats have gone at least 3 months (possibly 4 or even 5) without their dose and still not caught a single flea.

i was gonna do him anyway but then i thought about the baby and how vulnerable it is right now at this early stage i am frighened of even the tiniest amount of the chemical getting on me or whatever...

even if DF does the actual treatment single-handedly, i'm worried about traces of stuff rubbing off onto surfaces where the cat's been and somehow contaminating me!

after all, my baby isnt much bigger than a flea right now! and a couple ml of this stuff kills off armies of fleas for months :shock:

am i panicking over nothing? of course i dont want our house infested with fleas! but i am thinking i can push it another month maybe more, at least then i'm near the "safer" second tri??? :think:

what do y'all think? anyone else got cats how did u tackle this?
Just googled it and found this which was said by a vet:

Don't worry about this. Frontline is fipronil, a lipophilic (fat-friendly) substance which spreads over the animal's skin and goes into the sebaceous glands, where it remains, bound to the fats it finds there. It is highly unlikely that after a couple of hours any of it would transfer to you. However, if it DID transfer to you, it would just stay there in your skin. It is not absorbed systemically. You can wash it off with a degreasing soap, like a dishwashing liquid, too.

So just try not to stroke the cat for a couple of hours after application and if you do, wash your hands and you should be ok :hug:
God I hadn't even considered it trix! My cat needs doing too. I keep forgetting about stuff that you could absorb through skin, oh god I'm a crap mum to be :?
Meant to say, when I was pregnant with Marcus, I went from having 4 cats to 2 (2 went to the Cats Protection as I couldn't afford to keep them all). Fleas hibernate over the winter in carpets and stuff and when they all 'woke up' there were half as many cats to hop onto and one of my cats ended up infested :shock: I applied the Frontline whilst wearing rubber gloves and made sure I didn't touch the cats with my bare hands for the rest of the day. Once it is applied to the cat, it quickly soaks into their skin and doesn't go any further (which is why I think it says on the pack it is safe for pregnant or nursing queens - ie female cats). Hope this helps :)
aww thanx. i might do 'im 2mro, i dont think i will tonite coz he jumps in our bed and curls up with us.

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