Flat head syndrome!

if i make it to the babyshow in oct il probably get one..

And she is sooo scrummy!!! :dance:
I have one of those pillows, you have to use it from when bub is newborn though as if you buy it when they have more neck control they will just roll off of it.

Also just to reiterate that if you baby has torticollis nothing will sort out their flat head until you treat their neck.
beanie said:
I have used the sleepcurve mattresses. We had one for the crib, and I really liked it

I can really recommend the crib one though

Hi Beanie

was thinking of getting the 'moses basket' version - as that's what we have for our little one.
did you ever try that one?
just wondering what it was like?

Bob said:
beanie said:
I have used the sleepcurve mattresses. We had one for the crib, and I really liked it

I can really recommend the crib one though

Hi Beanie

was thinking of getting the 'moses basket' version - as that's what we have for our little one.
did you ever try that one?
just wondering what it was like?


we didn't have a moses basket, just a crib. I have seen it though and its similar to the crib one just a bit thinner. It looks good, and I would imagine its the same as the crib one performance wise.
Thanks hun.

I reckon i'll give it a go.


Thanks for the link Bob. Shame I didn't know about that cushion before Isaac was born. Hmph. Defo invest in one or the sleepcurve mattress and just be aware of what you can do to avoid flat head syndrome.

I've ordered the cushions from sweden and a sling so that I can carry him around more rather than have him on his back so much on the play matt.

Time to read more into this neck condition that Kina has spoken about.
Yeah, think i'm gonna invest in a sleepcurve mattres. I really like the look of those and the idea that they help to keep the airway open too. :sleep:

Good luck Bagpuss and hope Isaac will be ok.


Got my cushions today, Isaac is sleeping on the small one at the mo. Fingers crossed things will improve soon.

I've been looking back at photos of him from when he was first born, all of them from when he was at hospital to when he was at home show him sleeping on the right side. It's caused his ear to stick out now as well, he must have been pushed forward whilst he was sleeping. Bless him.
Bagpuss I'd really get him checked over if I were you and if you're not happy with your HVs advice, take him to see the gp. How does he hold his head? Does he have any movement at all to the other side? Ella used to have movement but her chin was pulled down to her chest on the tight side. If you take him to see a chiro or someone like that they can usually spot just by looking at the way they hold their head if they've got torticollis. In all Ella's photos her face is on the same side when she's asleep.
Yeah that advice on how to sleep your baby was given to me at the hospital, but my first was born in America, if that makes andy difference.

That baby pillow is perfect! Been looking for one thanks! :D
I would definately do all you can to stop your babies getting FHS!!! I had never heard of it until it was too late. Reece's head is very very flat on one side and there's nothing that can be done for it now. It isn't getting better. An option was getting a helmet to help but we just couldn't afford one :(


They haven't said if I'm right but I'm positive that Reece's head was caused by being held by OH like this for nearly all day everyday (he would never let me hold him) while he watched TV. Reece's head started changing then and has made the shape of OH's arm :(
Jaycee looked EXACTLY like that. shes fine now hun! Alot of worry is in this. The majority of the time its nothing. If u go to ur gp and ask them, and if they say its ok it will get better, then listen. They usually know what they are talking about, they should check the movement etc, incase of a serious problem, but its very common for babies to have flat heads at first. Jaycee always leant to the right too, i was petrified she wouldnt walk properly etc but she straightened out after a few months. She was badly curved!
Just dont worry so much all of you! It may be nothing! Jaycee is 2 and a half and shes JUST rounded out! Still slightly there but not noticable. She has a bent tip of the ear too, but it will be okay. :hug: :hug:
Sounds like your baby was lucky if her head corrected itself but it's not the case for all babies, we can't help worrying :)

I'm going to take pics of Isaacs head now and every week for a couple of months to see if these pillows help.

How old is Reece now Hearts81?

I think a lot of the GPs say it will sort itself out to fob us off to be honest.

Kina I have spoken to my GP about it, she said it would correct itself. The HV were more understanding, they've said they've seen a huge increase in it following the advice given out to avoid cot death. But they didn't really offer any useful advice for us.

I haven't noticed a restriction in movement on one side of his neck. It's difficult to say because he's not holding his head up properly yet. Did you just go to a normal chiro not one who specialises in kids?

We can afford the helmet if we wanted to go down that route but I'm not keen on that just yet incase it improves on it's own.

I think I'll have a look for a chiropractor or something locally.

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