Flaky skin?


Well-Known Member
Apr 7, 2005
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Brody is now almost 2 weeks old and has got loads of flaky skin on his hands and feet.

We only use the teeniest bit of baby soap when we wash him, then after i do a bit of baby massage with almond oil.
I'm not too concerned as i think most of it will just fall off and not come back, as he's had it since birth.

I just wondered if anyone else's baby had it and what do you use?
Jamie had this after he was born, i just used johnsons moisteriser! i think most of it went by the time he was 4/5 weeks old.
Phoebe has this all over her body (accept her face and head)
The midwife told us it's perfectly normal and that we should just leave it. The health visitor told us we could use any type of oil if we wanted (including cooking oil!!) but it should clear up on its own.
We are still just using water to bath Phoebe though as we were told not to use any soap products until she is at least 3 weeks old?
LOL xxx
Sounds totally normal because Ava's skin was like that early on as well. It should clear up on its own.
Yes Elliott did too. They suggested olive oil and it worked brilliantly. He's also got a few little spots with white tops which they said to put Sudocream on. Has anyone else's newborn got these? They are in his skin folds and he had one at least the day after he was born.

Maddie also had flaky skin all over except face - and olive oil did the trick!

She also developed what looked like adolescent spots on her face / chest - many with white heads. I was told just to wash with cooled boiled water and they would clear up on their own, which they did after 2 weeks or so - now she's back to having beautiful baby-smooth skin!!

Jack had this too, it was just on belly to begin with then hands and feet this cleared up when i used a baby oil gel,He then got on face really flaky and spots aswell! so got some Johnsons moisteriser that i had used on Emily. But just made it worse, i tried just cooled boiled water with no products at all but didnt clear up.
Finally went to see nurse at Doctors thinking God they gonna think overreacing mum!
She was lovely and gave me some Oilatum for bath and some Oilatum cream for face and it worked brilliantly
She said didnt think excema but skin is quite thick in place on his face but you can't see it only feel it.

Makes me want to exfoliate him!! LOL only joking :lol:
Damien has this and we're using olive oil - can't use anything else (prduct wise) due to his prematurity but it seems to be working already dispite him smelling like a chip :lol:
Babies loose the top layer of skin in the first few weeks which is perfectly normal and it always looks worse around creased areas such as hands, feet, backs of knees etc.

The spots are normal too - usually milk spots from the goodness of the milk, if they ever get yellow or look sore or infected then get them checked out.


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