Fixed at brim... confused!!!


Well-Known Member
Mar 16, 2008
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Ok ok, I know I should have asked the midwife - but I saw a completely new one today.

She said baby is fixed at the brim. I am completely confused. As far as I understood, the brim was the top of my pelvis, therefore she is not engaged... But fixed, I thought meant fully engaged?!?

How can it be both? :wall: :wall: :wall:
?! I think I would take 'fixed at the brim' to mean your baby is engaged, but then what do I know?!

Would you like me to ask my friend who's a middy? :hug:
only if its not too much trouble!! That'd be great.

They make it so confusing sometimes lol.

I got a date for my sweep and induction too... :pray: :pray: :pray: :pray: I don't get to that!
I have asked for you.

So when's the date for induction? What is the maximum number of days you have to wait now?! :hug:
I would take that has fully engaged but im only guessing :think:
Thanks muchly!

I looked it up, and this is what confused me:

Also, just before engagement the head may become less mobile, but still be fully felt. In this instance some caregivers will record this as being 'at the brim', meaning the top of the baby's is just sitting within the woman's pelvis, but not to the point of being engaged. Another term for the head being engaged is 'fixed', because the baby's head cannot be moved by the caregiver. 

Sweep is booked for Term + 7. Induction is booked for Term + 11 (Should be +10 but thats a sunday...).

She said lots of sex and walking was in order. And also recommends having sex the night before induction lol.
Not long then hopefully she will come on her own before that.

I bet you oh loves the advice about having lots of sex :wink:
haha yeh he is. though we are finding it a bit difficult now!

He has started to get put off by my bump as well - I said yeah, try having her kicking you, or having hiccups mid way through!!
I know what you mean its very off putting i gave that up months and months ago as just couldnt be bothered. :D

* Mental Note dont take oh with me to 40 week appointment incase they tell me to start having sex he doesnt need to know that. :rotfl: *
I should really be having lots of sex to get Logan evicted but I just can't be arsed! Feel far too tired to be in the mood, and OH is a bit put off by the threat of plugs or waters breaking half way through :lol:

I always get confused by the engaged thing, last appointment Logan was 1/5 engaged which means just the top of his head is inside my pelvis I think :think:
i hope it dose me the baby is engaged :D
sorry cant help im not to clued up on all this :roll: :oops: :lol:

I will be using the sex thing more then James as it's me that's the raving sex maniac of the 2 of us
i'll be the full term preggers lady raring to go and he'll be the one nackered from all the nooky :rotfl:
i still have so much energy where love making is concerned

:wink: :cheer: to lots of sex :dance:
i am finding my cervix so low sex hurts

my hubby is not what you would call small :shock:
Ginnymarie said:
i am finding my cervix so low

I MUST find my cervix!!

Mine should be low .. as I'm due next week.. right??
lol, i think mine is still too high to reach, and i'm due in 2 days :wall:

Having said that, I still am a bit clueless as to what bit my cervix is!
muppetmummy said:
II always get confused by the engaged thing, last appointment Logan was 1/5 engaged which means just the top of his head is inside my pelvis I think :think:


Although you will engage later as it's your second baby - that's normal. They only engage just before they're ready to rock and roll so you might actually find that 1/5 means everything's about to kick off for you? :pray:
He's been 1/5 for about 3 weeks now. When I got to 37 weeks I got really excited and was expecting him to appear any day!

I've started to be a bit more realistic now and accept that it could be another 3 weeks yet. I've had pains on and off for weeks to and they don't seem to mean anything.

Looks like your all stuck with me :D
muppetmummy said:
Looks like your all stuck with me :D

Good! We love you :hug:

Anyway it would be really quiet in here without you!!!!

Still Logan needs to get a shift on really.
Midwife friend got back to me Lara:

Fixed at brim - head engaged and ready for all systems go!
Free at brim or free means it is completely palpable so not engaged at all.

Hope that's helpful! It's just like we thought, we must be clever :cheer:
debecca said:
Midwife friend got back to me Lara:

Fixed at brim - head engaged and ready for all systems go!
Free at brim or free means it is completely palpable so not engaged at all.

Hope that's helpful! It's just like we thought, we must be clever :cheer:


Thanks so much! I kinda thought she must have engaged, cos my tummy is deflating, it feels a lot lower than before.
laracomps said:
debecca said:
Midwife friend got back to me Lara:

Fixed at brim - head engaged and ready for all systems go!
Free at brim or free means it is completely palpable so not engaged at all.

Hope that's helpful! It's just like we thought, we must be clever :cheer:


Thanks so much! I kinda thought she must have engaged, cos my tummy is deflating, it feels a lot lower than before.

That sounds like exactly what I've felt over the past couple of days. I woke up this morning and said to Jim that my tummy felt somehow 'flatter' and a little deflated. He just laughed, typical.

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