Five weeks and feeling fat!!??!!


Well-Known Member
Aug 7, 2006
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Hello, I am five weeks gone and feeling like a big fat heffer! My tummy seems to have grown and I am feeling really depressed by it, which is annoying me as I want to enjoy everything!

I am eating sensily, I am not snacking, ao I don't understand why I have put on wait, is anyone else feeling the same - will it go? Is it just water retention? Help me!!!!
i retianed a lot of water in early pregnancy, i wudnt worry too much hunny xx
I am trying not to, I know it is quite a vain thing to worry about! I just hope everything is ok!
Hun I felt SO bloated in the first three months, its totally normal just a pain in the bloomin arse!! :evil:
I hope noone comes up to me and thinks I'm due in the next few weeks!! Will it calm down? I can't wait to have a bump though!

I am still fitting into my size 10 but they are tighter than they were! I know size 10 sounds small but I carry all my weight around my tummy anyway and I wll never ever have a flat tummy, and I don't look like your average size 10 more like a 12-14, I think I'm hormonal!!!!!!
No dont be silly, no one will think your due any minute lol

Im a size 10 normally too, but I bloated out to begin with and had to buy size 12 trousers just to feel comfy at about 9 weeks.

You will start to get a bump soon, just be patient I know its hard because you feel so fat but people wont even notice the difference yet im sure. :hug:
Thanks Jaidybaby, you are making me feel better already!

I am totally paranoid! I have been having peroidy pains and back ache as well, but from what I read on here this is normal! I also am sitting with my laptop on me and I was wondering if that is alright, I try and put a pillow under it just in case!

I tell you, I a not going to make it through nine months and still be sane - and then a whole new different type of worry kicks in that will never stop - dear God what have I done!!!!!!!
Yep periody pains are 100% normal, not a prob at all.

Dont worry about your laptop being on your lap, your baby is well protected in there!

And put it this way..if your were not worried throughout pregnancy then I dont think you would be human its only natural :hug:
hormones tend to make you really bloated in the first 3 months hun xxxx
yeah i am reeally bloated too, waiting for my two spare tyres to merge into a bump!! :lol:

it all sounds normal xx :dance:
Thanks everyone! I have a new problem now - I promise I am not usually a hypochondriac! I have a dull ache under my left armpit! Any ideas?
Its probably due to breast changes but I would mention it to your doctor if I was you. My breasts ached all over in the beginning, they do a lot of changing in early pregnancy. Maybe you need a bigger bra?
Thanks Skatty, I will have a word with the doctor, I was worried because I know that pai in the shoulder and neck is ectopic!

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