Fish Oil - I'm worried


Well-Known Member
Mar 26, 2007
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Before i was pregnant and so far this pregnancy i have been taking a high dose EPA Fish Oil Concentrate 1000mg tablet daily which consists of 1000mg fish oil, EPA 180mg and DHA 120mg. Somebody has told me that it is dangerous to take fish oil. I know it is dangerous to eat too much oily fish because of the murcury and that cod liver oil is dangerous because of vitamin a. Does this apply to the tablets i've mentioned? Can anyone please advise me as I'm really worried now.

I have only been told that Oily fish is good for you and the baby because it is good for the brain, Deep sea fish such as Merlin, Swordfish and to much tuna(although you can eat some) have high levels of mercury.
I take fish oils, it promotes healthy brain & eye developement and studies have shown a significant link between mothers who do and don't take fish oils and increased levels of child developement and co-ordination. I am taking the Sanatogen Omega 3 oils. They are so beneficial to the child and give I don't eat fish it's a great compromise. The only warnings with fish is to avoid raw fish, i.e. sushi and shellfishes and to eat, in moderation, other fish as the mercury levels in them can become dangerous, twice a week is the limit for fish dishes. Capsulels etc don't contain the mercury and are safe to continue with.
I did the same as Nicola and took Omega 3, mw knew and didnt say anything
i wouldnt worry, alot of ppl take fish oils to help the development of the brain!

ask your midwife if your concerned :hug:
id ask your gp or mw even the pharmacist in boots may know.

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