First trip to Dr - husband to come?


Feb 15, 2007
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I've just found out I'm pregnant from a home test (5 weeks pregnant according to calculations). Have made an appointment with my Doctor for next Wednesday. What should I expect? Is it worth my husband coming or is it just a confirmation that I am pregnant?
I know different boroughs vary - I'm in Surrey. Also - do I need to take a urine sample or anything?
Thanks in advance
Hi and congratulations :cheer:

Not sure how it is in Surrey but I went to docs and pregnancy was confirmed and he passed my details onto midwife so not much happened at docs to be honest. Best to phone doc and ask what they want you to do/bring :hug:
Congratulations hun!

It will literally be just a confirmation of your pregnancy, to be honest hun they probably wont even do a pregnancy test as the home ones are so accurate these days.

You could take your husband if you wanted, but you will probably just be given advice etc, details taken for midwife referral and so on. They may also calculate your due date when your there, they did for me.

You wont need to take a urine sample.

My first doctors appointment was just a case of sending off a urine sample to confirm pregnancy.
It is a good idea to take a urine sample with you.
My OH came to every appointment with me so if you're OH can easily get the time off work I'd say take the journey together right from the start.
My first drs apt was a case of her saying congratulations and make an apt with the midwife for whe I was about 8/9 weeks she didn't bother doing a pg test as the ones sold in the shops are just as reliable. The midwife apt took about 30 minutes she basically went though all my details and talked about the different options available to me - I did bring my DH to that one.
my first docs appointment was also a confirmation of PG, i had to do another pregnancy test but he sed this was for his records only and that i wud be pg cus home tests are really reliable. he referred me to midwife and that was it!! i was in and out in 5 mins. xxxxxxxxxxxx
I was the same. In and out in 5 minutes. They didn't even test.
When I went to the doctor I took the 2 home tests with me to show him and he just asked me if I'm happy about the baby and got me to fill out a midwife referral form. I was in and out in 2 minutes.
Hi thanks for all your advice and congratulations - it's all feeling a bit more real now!

Just got back from my Dr appointment. I went on my own and this was the right thing. There was more info than I was expecting so I dont think it was a waste of time, but I just phoned my husband after the appt and let him know what she said. I have only lived in the area for four years and because we both commute into London for work I don't know that many people locally, so the timetable for scans etc was new to me, plus I need to decide which hospital I want to go to....which is another post!
She gave me some advice on what I can't eat (liver, raw eggs, blue cheese) and booked me in for another appt in two weeks (I'll be 7 and a half weeks). This is what I presume will be my 'booking in' appt - she said it's mainly paperwork. This is with the GP, not sure when I'll meet the maternity nurse - think it depends on which hospital I choose.
I'll get a scan at 12-14 weeks and then another at 22 weeks.
She didn't do another pg test - she said home tests are very reliable now.
I was please with the appointment, she was very friendly and put me at ease and seemed to have time for me - I didn't have any further questions so she said just to jot them down if anything occurs to me and bring them to next appointment.
Thanks for all you advice

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