First Time Trying To Conceive


Well-Known Member
May 17, 2008
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hiya all, im 28 and have come off the pill nearly two month ago... im just looking for some advice on TTC. I am taking pregnacare as advised from my nurse but that was the only real advice that I was given.... any help would be great tah!!!
Hiya :wave:

Folic acid, ovulation sticks, charting and plenty baby dancing

Good luck with ttc
:wave: Hi

Like mum_2besoon says folic acid, ov sticks, charting, babydancing. A lot of ladies put their legs in the air for a bit after bding, and a lot of ladies have been saying that they try pre-seed and then they have got their BFPs that cycle.

Good Luck ttc :hug: :hug:
hello welcome to ttc.

any questions the girls on this site are fantastic.

as the girls sed in the other post but also the main factor to help concieve i think is relax, i kno its easier sed than done. Hope u dnt have to wait long good luck x
Hi and welcome! :wave: :wave: :wave: All good advice already given so good luck TTC!
Hi :wave:

Maybe TMI but another tip is to make sure you come after him :oops: (supposed to help your body kind of suck the sperm in) :shock:
Good luck - I wasnt give much advice apart from take folic and eats lots of greens!

People are great in here and help with advice and cheer you up when your feeling down or listen when you need a rant!
My only advice is what has already been said (especially about folic acid, and I used OPK's).

Only other piece of advice that worked for me is to relax, and not stress too much, it worked for me 2nd month of trying!

Good luck TTC
I definitely second the vote for Pre Seed, very good stuff. Eat well, sleep enough, drink lots of water... basically be as healthy as you can be (no mad diets, no excessive exercise etc). I take EPO from CD1 to O and Flaxseed Oil capsules from O to CD1 again (don't take EPO after O as it can cause uterine contractions which is what you don't want when a bean is burrowing!). I also take folic acid tablets and a Mum to be multivitamin. Timed BDing is supposed to be great but it can be stressful - try and take out as much stress from your life (easier said than done of course in this day and age). Above all, I would suggest not to expect this to happen immediately, it does for some but not others and putting unfair expectations on yourself at the moment can cause additional stress. Ultimately, this is about you and your partner making a baby from love, I've found it important to keep that thought forefront in my mind.

Best of luck!!!!
Thanks honey..... your so right the thing in the front of my mind has been about making a baby cause we love each other and for no other reason, we haven't been having sex "just" to make a baby either, we are having sex as normal and im trying not to stress out which is hard as I am a prone stress head lol....
Well I learnt that lesson the hard way (lots of tears and frustration til we decided not to do timed BDing anymore and live with the consequences) so best to pass on the message!
Hiya! I'm new to the site and we are ttc also, we get married on 5th june and would love a little one soon!

Good luck!
Hey honey, Preseed is fab! Get yourself some of that :D
I also use ov sticks, folic acid and pregnacare
xxxx Good luck hope you get your baby bean soon!

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