first time i'v been asked


Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2006
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last nite i went to the local off-licence, i dont often go in but the baby wanted cadburys dairy milk, so like a good mummy i went to get it :wink:
the lady in the shop asked me when is the baby due! she knows my face and my name but we don't chat so she didnt know, and she was bold enough to ask so she obviously had no doubt i'm pregnant and not just fat!
for some reason my face felt a bit tingly like i was blushing, i dont kno why because i'm not embarrassed about it! when i left the shop tho i was smiling for ages!
Aaawww no wonder you were smiling a lot trixipaws, it must have felt lovely, I can;t wait for it to happen either :cheer:
i know what you mean lol..... i've had a couple of people ask me if i'm pregnant, it such a great feeling :lol:

at least we know where not fat anymore :wink:
No ones asked me when Im due but I think my bumps pretty obvious, a woman who works in Tesco offered to help me when I was trying to reach some Gaviscon off the top shelf :lol:
I bought a couple of maternity tops for work in Next the other day and the lady behind the counter asked when it was due... I was mortified as I'm still in my size 8s and thought I must be bigger than I had reckoned, until my Mum reminded me that I WAS buying maternity clothes... :oops:

aww its great when people start noticing :)
I got asked a couple of week ago and i was really self concious about it :oops: :oops: :oops:
been back in work today (just had 10 days off) and lots of people asked! i mustve really popped out this week!
I know it's winter and I'm wearing coats a lot but I'm 26 weeks now and no one's asked (apart from when I'm buying baby stuff etc)! Although I spoke to my Mum today via webcam and she got quite excited when she saw my stomach, she says I've popped out!
noone has asked me and i am 36 weeks pregnant, all i wast is someone to say whens baby due but no luck yet.
akthough it is obvious as i get looked at.

also is it just me or do any of you ladys check out your bump every time you go past a mirror or see your reflection in the window.
marchmama said:
also is it just me or do any of you ladys check out your bump every time you go past a mirror or see your reflection in the window.

yes i do that! i used to do it anyway to check i was looking slim enough, now i look to see if i'm fat enough!

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