First teeth... wow!!


Well-Known Member
May 21, 2005
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Oscars first 2 bottom pegs have made their first feint appearance this morning!!! It's just about broken through the gum!
I noticed a little white line on his bottom gum this morning, but ignored it until now. Had a good looky and there they were... just a day or 2 and Oscar will be the proud owner of 2 shiny pegs...... Yay......
Emilia xx

ps. might explain being grizzly, not sleeping, chomping everything but the kitchen sink and interesting poos... :shock:
Awww WOW!

Hopefully now he has them he can settle down a bit.
It's true what they say...they're never to young to be teething.

:D <---------- Oscar with his new teeth :lol:
oh wow how exciting, when they come through take a pic if u can catch them :lol:
Oscar is getting so big. I am wondering if that was what was bothering Seren last night as she wasn't hungrey, just grouchy and looking for comfort. Plus she has taken to chomping on everyhting including sadly my nipple - ouch!!
I can't believe that Emilia, Oscar is very advanced for his age, holding his own cup, growing teeth etc, what a big boy!! Wouldn't be too surprised to see some teeth poking through Rubie's gums shortly, she has been so miserable for the last week, bless her
:shock: I was about to post something to the same effect, girls!

Naomi is barely 14 weeks and imagine my shock this morning when I let her chomp on my finger and felt her wee eye tooth coming through. I think that not only is it early, she's getting them all in a different order too! :lol: She's got a wee white speck which is her brilliant white wee chomper coming up. Amazing.

Poor little mite though, she's also exhausted. She must be going through a right growth spurt.

Sue has she been out of sorts lately?
they say babies can start teething as early as in the whomb and be born with teeth already cut through...

Dior got her first bottom 2 when she was 6months old it looks so cute when they grin :D

Aww how sweet guess you both will get more rest now, Kiara will be getting hers soon i think been teething all week like mad.
Thanks for all the kind posts... I didn't get time to reply, because I went to CT yesterday and just got home now!
Oscar's one toothy peg has cut through completely ... poor wee bunny has obviously had a bit of discomfort and I ignored it completely.... being 3rd baby! (Shame!!)
Kim, you made me laugh! Both my children cut their teeth early so I expected Oscar to, but he has been very alert from early on. A lady that see us regularly, keeps saying that Oscar is ready to get up and walk out the house!
Anyway - he's still quite grizzly and the top 2 teeth are bulging out and seems really red. I've got a funny feeling that breastfeeding is going to become a rather painful experience soon!!! :shock: :shock:
Will try and get some piccies when you're a little bit more visible.
Emilia xx
AWWW yay Oscar, growing up s fast! Bless him :)

Damien's are still pushing but no white specks as yet, can just feel them under his gums still, poor bug :lol:
I must be thick but what happens to their poo when they are teething?xxx
Loads of runny poos here!! Dispite the fact that they're already quite soft, as I'm BF'ing. So. in a nutshell.... runnier than runny... lurvly! :D
Emilia xx
She has been a littlre more grizzly than usual, kim, but she's so good-tempered that even when she's in pain, she usually just takes my finger into her mouth, I rub her gums and she smiles around the finger! She has been screaming with them once or twice though, and the little red jaws and drooling and rubbing her ears.

Still that little white speck - I am now not so sure what it could be as someone said that eyeteeth didn't come up first and that she'd cut one first in the bottom front.

Hi Tiny Sue...
It does sound like teething though. It will ususlly be the bottom front teeth first, followed by the top front teeth. Having said that, a friends baby got top teeth first, followed by ONE bottom tooth, then got all the others just about, before the second front bottom one appeared!.... phew, what a mouth full.
Keep us posted!
Emilia xx :wink:

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