first scan/midwife visit


Well-Known Member
Jan 11, 2018
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I've read different stories so assume it depends on Gp?

I've read you can see heartbeat at 6-7 weeks, meet midwife at 8 but rang my local midwife unit and they said 12! Surely that's an awfully long time, especially first time mums?
Usual practice is a booking appointment between 8-10 weeks with midwife - an hour long appointment that goes over your medical history and takes blood samples. The midwife then books your 12 week screening scan in my area and you get notified about that date soon after. Also, in my area there is an early bird clinic which they advise you to attend ASAP after finding out to go over vitamins and healthy lifestyle during pregnancy. They weigh you etc

It is not usual to have a scan before 12 weeks. This only happens in circumstances where there is a problem or something that warrants investigation. Occasionally women are able to get scans if they’ve had a previous miscarriage for reassurance purposes. Though seeing a heartbeat at 6-7 weeks does not guarantee a viable pregnancy (though is a positive sign that things are progressing as they should)
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The first trimester is by far the worst trimester. It is long and it drags and you can feel absolutely awful.
The nhs don't offer a scan for all ladies before 12 weeks but there are plenty of private places that you can get a scan if you feel you would like one.
This is where this forum comes in handy because everyone is in the same boat..
I met my midwife at what I thought was 8 weeks but I was actually only 6 but then didn't see her again until 16 weeks I think.
Thank you, I am seeibg my doctor next week.

I'm so on edge though, currently have lower back ache very mild and mild tight chest and discharge looking creamy/yellow. It'd be great to have someone to say yes, fine. I haven't told my parents yet (I'm 27 but would love them to know!) Just feel I need advice.

Sorry for whining lovely ladies!
I wont see midwife till 10 weeks and then 13 weeks for 1st scan. If you can afford to getting an early reassurance scan privately (around £50) might help as you see heartbeat. You cannot hear a heartbeat (i think) till after 10 week mark.used to have dating scans available around 8-10 weeks on nhs, but they dont do them anymore....cut backs probably x
I paid for an early scan at 8 weeks and honestly, it was worth every penny. Makes all the sickness and pain feel really worth while. We got to see baby moving, se its heart beat and we even heard it. It was so nice and reassuring. Tell your parents when you are ready, but they will be the best support, so for me it was sooner rather than later.

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