First night without James....

Jen & Her Men

Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2007
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And I have such mixed feelings!

Alan and i are off out in Liverpool tomorrow night for my birthday night out with all my friends so mum is babysitting and having James at hers.

Im kinda excited in one way to be going out and letting my hair down and having a good night with my husband for the first time in over a year, but at the same time Im so anxious about leaving James.. I know mum has had 3 kids and is the best mum ever but I also know how funny James can be when he is tired and only mummy will do so Im fretting already about leaving him!

I know being sensible that its healthy for us all to have a break every once in a while but Im still worried! Anyone else been like this? Did you enjoy yourselves in the end or was your night ruined by worrying about LO??
I felt exactly the same as you when Ja first slept at my mam's! Anyway, he was absolutly fine with her :D

We were having a BBQ at home for Hubby's birthday and although I did worry about Jacob I did enjoy myself! My mam sent me text updates of how he was and when he went to sleep etc which helped a lot and I knew that she would ring if he wouldn't settle.

I still woke up for the night feeds though :lol: and it was really weired without him!

The first time is the hardest! Hope you enjoy your night :hug:
Dont worry hun, you will be fine, I promise...and what is more important - so will James! It is hard the first time you leave em, but it is usually a success, with lil one having a lovely time!

1st time my mum had charl over night was the night we came out of hospital so it was completly different to teds she has offered and im starting to think i might take her up on it soon so i can have a lay in.. als working practically every weekend again so im up at 4-5 every morning and still up 2-3-4-5 times a night with him..
Andy and I did it when Evie was about 2 months old... she stayed at my mums. We had a wedding to go to. Anyway it was hard but my mum has brought up 2 kids so she knows what she is doing!

Evie was totally fact she had a ball and slept through for the first time ever! Andy and I left the wedding before 11pm and we were in bed fast asleep by half past!!!!!! :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: we were so grateful for the sleep that we didn't even get down to any business!! :rotfl: :rotfl:
I'm sure he'll be fine Jen, I hope you have loads of fun on your night out!

I haven't left DD overnight yet, mainly as I'm b/feeding so need to be there for the 1st feed of the day and also as I just don't think I'm ready. I don't really have anyone I would trust for her to stay with either.

Valentine Xxx
My sons stayed over his nans a couple times. and ive panicked about the usual things, its mainly the thought that she'll do things differently that makes me panic and take about an hour to leave him :doh: but every time ive come to get him the next morning hes been absolutely fine slept through and couldnt care less that id come to pick him up :roll:

As for having the free time i do love it :shhh: if i havent had too much to drink i get a nice lie in and get some house work and me time before picking him up. all mummies deserve a break and theres nothing wrong with doing it :hug:
thanks guys

well i have packed up all his stuff - looks like he is off on holiday for a week the amount of stuff im giving his Nanna!!

But I am looking forward to having a little break - I think the thing i am most looking forward to is being able to get ready and pamper myself without having to entertain/feed/soothe LO at the same time!

Will deffo miss him though- its gonna be weird waking up and he wont be here!!

Anyways, will post some pics of the big night tomorrow!

Awww hun try to have a good night and enjoy yourself! :cheer: Yes of course you will miss him but it will do you good! :hug:

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