First midwife appointment yesterday!


Well-Known Member
Jun 5, 2007
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Hi all :wave:

I did my first post in "introduce yourself" yesterday and mentioned I was seeing the m/w for the first time, so here's how I got on.

She was really nice and is going to be with me throughout the whole pregnancy. I was really surprised that there was hardly anything involved - no weeing or needles yet, she just took my blood pressure, height & weight (well I've not been on the scales for a couple of months but she was happy with my regular weight - I know I'm a few pounds on from that already tho!) and we talked about diet. It only took about 40 mins and she is coming to see me at home next week.

Little sis says this is to check out my house is clean / not a drugs den :lol:

I will have to tidy up, at least around the sofa! OH also welcome to this one so he's really pleased - he wants to know everything that's going on.

And she booked in my scan on the phone so roll on July 5th! I'll be 12.4 weeks by then.

The funniest thing was when she was asking if I knew my due date, and if I knew what I should and shouldn't be eating. I said "well I've been on about 20 websites..." she'd heard that all before! :lol:

So :wave: to all you other 8 weeks girls and :hug: to all! so far so good!
ah glad it all went well for you hun, and good luck with your 12 week scan enjoy your pregnancy it only lasts 9 months :hug:
I never knew that a m/w came to visit you at home. I don't think my m/w will be coming to mine, unless she plans on surprising me. She'll get the bigger surprise as I am on housework strike at the moment.

Good luck with the scan next month. Hope it doesn't drag out too much. xxx

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