First kicks felt by others today! So its not my imagination!!


Well-Known Member
Apr 2, 2012
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18+4 and feeling rather bloated today...will be all the fizzy juice I drink!!!

I am still to put on any weight. Does anyone think I should be worried? I am eating normally and clearly bump is growing but its just odd that it never shows on the scales.

Still convinced this is a blue bump although everyone else says different!!

Ive not felt Baby C move much for 2 days so today I decided to have a bottle of Lucozade.....I now have a baby who feels like its in training for the Olympics as a gymnast!! Woops, maybe this was a bit cruel of me - but I feel much more reassured! My 2 best friends have been able to feel the baby move and I'm so glad as I really was starting to think I was imagining it.

What a lovely day at work I am having!!


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So lovely feeling baby move! :yay: I am also yet to gain weight, my midwife says it's fine and not to worry as long as you're eating healthy and baby is fine thats all the matters. The bonus is that I've felt movement a lot sooner than I thought I would! :) Can't wait to be able to feel kicks on the outside too xxx
awwwww how lovely Gayle wish minion would kick hard enough so daddy could feel too they have just booted me the now little ratbag xx
Thanks claire and Karen! It's odd caus I felt movements from 13 something. But it's almost like its real now they felt it. Daddy's not had a shot yet either kaz.

It's still bouncing with the lucozade! Woops!

My widwife said the same-but that was a while ago, just thought by now I would have piled it on! Not complaining- maybe I getting off with an extra stone....... Fx xxxx
Thanks claire and Karen! It's odd caus I felt movements from 13 something. But it's almost like its real now they felt it. Daddy's not had a shot yet either kaz.

It's still bouncing with the lucozade! Woops!

My widwife said the same-but that was a while ago, just thought by now I would have piled it on! Not complaining- maybe I getting off with an extra stone....... Fx xxxx

Bouncing baby thats hilarious lol dont know what I had ate or drank the other week was like hiccuping somersaults lol xx
Yep, feels like that! It's like a crazy wee fish going backwards and forwards in there! Xx

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