First (early)scan


Well-Known Member
Mar 3, 2012
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Wow, just came back from my 7 week early scan following the spotting for the last two weeks. I was so nervous but I saw my little hoop for the first time and his or her tiny heart flickering away and I have been told that everything is fine. The lady who scanned me said I have a heart shaped womb and the baby is in the 'right horn' and she suspects that the bulge in that side of the horn where the baby is laying is irritating the other side of the heart which is probably causing the spotting.

She also said women can spot when the pregnancy is bedding in and that it is common.

My baby measures 6mm and my estimated due date is 01 November. She said the baby is at the small end of the scale and my dates might be off by a few days so at my next scan at 12 weeks they might re-date me depending on the size.

So ladies, there is a reassuring tale of spotting that has turned out just fine.

I am floating on cloud 9!!
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If all goes to plan for me, I am due on the 2 November! Great news that you saw the heart beat. xx
Aww Scribbens I’m so pleased for you and it’s also given me hope. I’ve been in full on panic mode since I started spotting. Even though I’ve been reassured by doctors and midwifes... your story has really cheered me up J
So glad to hear this hun, bet you feel so relieved?

Can I just ask if you were scanned internally?

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Thanks for your lovely messages. Carnat, yes I was scanned vaginally which involved laying on a weird short bed thingy and then this long straight probe, a bit thicker than a tampon, covered in slippery goo stuff was slid in me. It was slightly uncomfortable when she got to the top, especially when she was moving it around, but no worse than a smear, she was very gentle and totally worth it to see that flickering heart beat.
Thanks for your lovely messages. Carnat, yes I was scanned vaginally which involved laying on a weird short bed thingy and then this long straight probe, a bit thicker than a tampon, covered in slippery goo stuff was slid in me. It was slightly uncomfortable when she got to the top, especially when she was moving it around, but no worse than a smear, she was very gentle and totally worth it to see that flickering heart beat.

Thanks hun,

I was just being nosey

I have been scanned internally loads of time over the past year so I know it's more uncomfortable than anything else :shock: :shock:

I have a scan booked for next week and they'll try ultrasound first but I'll only be 7d 1w so hope they can see what they need to see?

If they need a closer look they will go down the transvaginal route though!!

So excited!

So happy you got to see your bean and all is well

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That's great news! So pleased for you! And it has given me hope! I started spotting on monday night and have my early scan on monday!xxx

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