First Christmas Party...


Well-Known Member
Jul 10, 2007
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Evie had her first Christmas party at nursery yesterday. Parents all had to bring in party food and there was some "naughty" food on the list which I didn't mind her having at all as a one off.

Seems Evie really enjoyed herself...she threw up all over me last night
:doh: :doh: :doh: :roll: :roll: :roll:

She also came home with a little folder of all the artwork she's been doing there. It was so sweet...there was star for the top of the tree, a card, a christmas tree and loads of other bits... (and tons of bloody glitter!)
Awwwww bless. Sounds like she enjoyed herself :) I remember the days of children overindulging in the party foods and fizzy drinks and then coming home and throwing up in the evening or when in bed. And being hyper from all ther sugar :roll: Hope she feels better now :)

Galen went to his first Christmas party on the CLOWNS playbus last Tuesday. Its a double decker bus that comes round to all the outlying villiages and parents can take their under 3s to play for 2 hours. We took sandwiches and other parents bought other food. Galen had his first taste of marmite sandwiches and loved it! :cheer: He also chomped some cucumber and cherry toms. Other than that he didn't have any of the other food as it was mostly chocolate based. We dressed him in a Santa coverall and he looked adorable :)

we weren't allowed to use glitter in the nursery i used to work in. everything needs a bit of glitter!
aww harrison got one of those folders too, he'd even done a calendar
I cant believe you had to provide the food! thata a bit cheeky normally the nursery provides it for you! kyran had his party at nursery to and was extremely hyper then very tired and grumpy after he got home!

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