First AF since mc - OUCH!!!!


Well-Known Member
Apr 20, 2012
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It has been 4 weeks since I had my last mc and I am bang on time with my af but OMG, it hurts!!!

There isn't too much in the way of bleeding but lots of discomfort!!

Is this normal?

Lee-Ann x
I'm still waiting for mine after my mc but I have heard from various sources that your first period can be very painful hun x
It was normal for me, I cramped like a mofo!! Take some pain killers and get some rest :)
I took some codeine last night and that helped but I can't take it all the time as it knocks me out.

I just feel generally, BLEUGH today if that is even a word :-( x
i had more cramping than bleeding tbh mainly 2 days of full flow but nothing to bad realy 5 days start to finish which is more or less what i used to get before my bfp, least u now know where u are leeane xxx
My first AF after MMC was awful. Came unexpectedly 3w4 after d&c the week I had gone back to work. If I'd known it was gonna b so bad I wouldn't have gone back as I had to leave sick again. Pain was horrific, dizziness and sickness. Spent most of the nite on sofa watching tv and DH sat with me. Next day thankfully all the bad symptoms had gone and I was left just feeling weak and with minimal bleeding.
I got my first AF since my miscarriage 2 days ago. Had a bit of back ache but barely any cramps, actually better than any of my previous periods before I fell pregnant. But to be fair I bled for a good 3 weeks after my d&c and only had 2.5 weeks from end of that bleed to my AF starting so probably been so easy as not much left to come away! Hopefully it only lasts 6 days as that was how long my pre pregnancy cycle was!

I thought I would find it emotionaly hard getting my first AF but I actually feel pretty good because I am really happy to know my cycles are all ok etc :)

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