Fiona's pregnancy diary

Yes, fingers crossed for you sunshine, that all goes well from now on. Those blasted water infections are really common in the 2nd Tri apparently. :(
Hi well i think i have determined why im in so much pain every now and again cos they came back today..

i think its when i need a wee, sounds silly but with the infection and all, is it silly, how do u feel when your bursting and you cant go etc, i get tummy pains and everything moves up, so my bump is really high, and tummy goes really hard.. thats why i thought i was in labour the other day,
now im gonna have to push myself to go to the loo cos i cant be doing with the pain,
pain on its on has stopped now i think the medication is kicking in, which is good,

My son bradley kissed my bump last night and rubbed my tummy for half an hour, hes even gabbling to it lol.. he looks so cute..

Been and walked in to town today and by heck was i tired, my feet were burning, my legs ached like they never ached before, maybe cos im carrying extra weight, i forget lol..

bye for now
xx :wave:
Wahoo, infection seems to have cleared up at long last,

it was horrible,

I was laid in bed last night and baby must have stretched out as my tummy actually went as falt as a pancake, it was weird, i had no bump at all which didnt feel right, but i soon prodded him and he went back to being normal lol..

Bradley my youngest has taken to kissing bump every morning now and cameron just laughs bless him,

Things have been rocky in my relationship over the last few days, but we seem to have settled things down,

Omg its easter weekend this weekend and my eldest boy cameron is going away with my mum and dad, im going to miss him, he goes every weekend anyway but he will be leaving me from thursday untill late evening monday.. :cry:

At least it will give me some quality time with bradley as at the moment i get the feeling he loves his daddy more than me, so i want to spend lots of time with him over the next few weeks, so i get my mothers bond back!

Work have finally ordered my maternity wear :cheer: but who knows how long it will take them to arrive, my tops are really snug now its uncomfortable,

Yesterday i handed my maternity letter in, asking for 2 weeks holiday paid leave before i go on maternity, and asking to go back to work in time for peak season 2nd december, which i thought was very good of myself as they have lost 3 members of staff this week but no, they want me to take the full leave, 9 months, what am i going to do with myself i have never been out of work that long, argh i know i get to spend time with the new baby but my other children was in nursery by the time they were 12 weeks old, i dont want them thinking im spending more time with the new baby..
I hope work reconsider about my return, surely i have a right to say when i would like to return, its something i need to look in to..

Do i sound selfish in wanting to go back to work!!

My youngest son finally has ben disharged from the consultants yesterday which has made me so happy hes been going every 3 months since he was disharged out of hospital when he was born,

Sorry if im rambling, i'll get off now,

take care everyone, hope to see some of you at the haven meet in april cos yes im going on the sunday just for the day as im not far from there!!

bye for now
xxxx :wave: :wave:
I'm glad to read your infection has cleared up Sunshine. :)

How cute of your little boy to be kissing your bump every day. That's so sweet. :clap:

I don't think your work can insist on you taking the full leave :think: Maybe you'll have to check out the facts on that one. If you can't find any info from the web why not post here on the Working and Pregnancy board? There's a lot of ladies with HR experience who might be able to advise you.

I also find my feet get very hot when walking about. In fact my whole lower body heats up from my hips down. Strange isn't it? I did an hour and half of ironing the other day and felt very tired/achey after from the standing up. I might have to pull a chair up to the ironing board in future. :) LOL

Do your children get very excited about Easter? When my son was small he used to get so many eggs it was ridiculous. Nowadays he prefers a couple of big Galaxy bars instead and a tenner! How times change. It'll be nice to have a little one around again next year. :D

Have a good week. x :hug:
hello! glad everything ok with u. am enjoying reading your diary. re your returning to work I have been looking into it...

However, if you wish to return to work earlier than your 52 weeks entitlement, you must give your employer 56 days’/8 weeks’ notice of your intention to return early. If you fail to do this, and turn up to work anyway, your employer can refuse to pay you.

it seems u have every right to return to work earlier. I know my employer will let me return as soon as I want to.

Hope this helps xxx :hug:
krystalmair said:
However, if you wish to return to work earlier than your 52 weeks entitlement, you must give your employer 56 days’/8 weeks’ notice of your intention to return early. If you fail to do this, and turn up to work anyway, your employer can refuse to pay you.

it seems u have every right to return to work earlier. I know my employer will let me return as soon as I want to.

Hi, thanks for the info, i rung my hr office today to confirm details etc, i can take my 2 weeks holiday as planned, and return to work before my leave ends providing i give 4 weeks notice,

I have however just missed out on the 90% earnings pay for 6 weeks by 1 week, grr which is annoying but they have confirmed i am entilted to smp, yay..

I am going on maternity from 15th july and going bck 2nd december wahoooo
glad they helped you out bit more, shame u missed out though. My company has fab policy, i get full pay for 4 and half months then can take SMP for remaining 5 months. Can't wait to start it. haven't dcided what date yet though. Want to wait as long as poss so I have plenty of time with Jack when he arrives :D
oh hun, your really going through it arent you :(

im glad things are getting a little better though :hug:
Sabrina said:
Do your children get very excited about Easter?

Well they are a little young at the moment to understand, but they do love chocolate, im not one of these mums who give it to them willy nilly so i guess as they get older they will realise that easter is a special time of yr..

Cameron my eldest lad has gone away now until monday, hes gone camping with my mum and dad.. how lucky is he, i have to work as well which im really not enjoyuing in this lovely warm weather..

Im off tommorrow so hopefully it will be a fab hot day and i can get my shorts on lmao,
Hi everyone,

well what a day, i took it upon myself to do a massive spring clean this morning, top to bottom and do the ironing which is a first for me cos hubby normally does it all :dance:

then we decided to take a very long walk to cleethorpes, it was a lovely day my little boy caught the sun bless him, we had a walk round had some fun ate some dougnuts lol, then walked home,

Well on the way home i got some pains in tummy quite low down, took us 2 hours to walk 3 miles as i had to keep sitting down lol.. also i noticed i was damp down there, i didnt think any thing of it as i have been getting quite bad disharge (sorry to be graphic)
Checked myself out when i got home and i was actually bleeding!!! not much though but enough to scare me, i have been bleeding through early pregnancy so i thought i would keep an eye on it, put a pad on and blow me it stops which is great, just been to the loo and wiped and again i have just lost a clot which i havent had before.. :(

Obviosly im a little worried and i will contact midwife tomorrow if this carrys on.. has anyone else had any late bleeding

To top everything off i have some abusive emails from a buyer off ebay, so im pretty mad at the moment, i mean how do he threaten me grrrrr, i have reported him to ebay on numerous occasions and hopefully now i have sent these emails hes sent me to ebay they will suspend his account..

Apart from all this ive had a grand day, watched my youngest bite his way through his easter egg which was so funny, i wish i had took a pic, the joys of chocolate.. hahaha

Anyways will keep u posted to this bleeding, take care everyone
xx :hug:
Aww hugs Fiona :hug: Sorry to hear about your bleeding. I hope it stops tonight but if it doesn't you really must call the MW to check everything's ok. They might want to bive you a quick check up.

I had some bleeding at 21 weeks which lasted 4 days. That was a worry and so, I really sympathise with how you are feeling.

Ebay seems to breed a few nutters every now and again. I've also had a couple who proved difficult for no apparent reason. It's when things like that happen that I think "oh stuff it" and give it up for a while. It's not worth the aggro at the end of the day. :shakehead:

It really has been a lovely weekend for the weather. I haven't been out and about much but have enjoyed it nonetheless. Spring cleaning is definitely in the air. Just remember not to overdo things and give yourself a rest the next few days in particular.

Take it easy... let us know how you get on. Ring the MW tomorrow! Promise? :|

:wave: hi not sure if you have mentioned this somewhere and i have missed it, but is fiona your middle name? or just a prefered nickname as i noticed from your scan pics your name is catherine?

hope things are better after your recent scare and i hope things continue to improve for you an LO :hug:
Lyn_no3 said:
:wave: hi not sure if you have mentioned this somewhere and i have missed it, but is fiona your middle name? or just a prefered nickname as i noticed from your scan pics your name is catherine?

hope things are better after your recent scare and i hope things continue to improve for you an LO :hug:

hi its fiona's husband here, she was adopted at the age of 9, she changed her name to catherine but for anyone who knows her her name is fiona still.. legal reasons, work, health her name is catherine as that is what is legal.. her name is catherine fiona jayne...

so yes you could say it is her middle name.. but we all know her a fiona and that is what she wants...

On another note fiona has had her scan this morning, she has placenta previa, low lying and some of it has broken away from the uterine wall, so she has to take extra care and no more excersice for a while till the baby is born, ..

her contractions have stopped baby is still going strong,

fiona will update you all in more detail im sure when she comes home..
mark said:
On another note fiona has had her scan this morning, she has placenta previa, low lying and some of it has broken away from the uterine wall, so she has to take extra care and no more excersice for a while till the baby is born, ..

her contractions have stopped baby is still going strong,

fiona will update you all in more detail im sure when she comes home..

I'm so glad they have located the cause of the problem and the contractions have stopped. Poor Fiona. She must have been out of her mind in hospital (especially having to leave the 2 little ones at home).

I hope she's back home and feeling tip top very soon. :hug:
Oh i see sorry to be so nosey i thought i was goin crackers for a minute :)

I'm so pleased to see that altho not ideal things are gettin better.
take care hun and get as much rest as possible :hug:
Hi everyone,

Not posted on here since sunday but can see mark has on my behalf, cheeky so and so :rotfl:

Well had a rough few days, wont go in to it all again though but i will tell you what was said to me just before we left hospital yesterday..

:cry: because of what has happened they dont think i will get to 30 weeks with this pregnancy, so omg i could have lo in 6 weeks if hes early, how scary is that,

I have just contacted my community midwife about the care i received over the last few days, and told her how un happy i was, asked her to refer me to hull womens hospital for any further care.. the nicu is so much better there than grimsby and i dont think grimsby would be able to handle a baby at 30 weeks to be honest..

Anyway she will look in to it, but in the meantime i told her if i went in to labour again i would just get in the car and drive myself there, or get half way and call ambulance that way i will get my wish and have baby where i want, hopefully they will get back to me with a refereal, so wish me luck ladies...

After everything that has happened im very scared, who wouldnt be, to be told placenta isnt working as well as it should and i may have baby in 6 weeks just petrifies me to be honest but i suppose there are worse off folk out there..

Today im just relaxing and taking it easy tommorrow is the day when baby is viable, got a head ache at the moment but thats to be expected i think after all whats gone on..

Anyway enough of me rambling, will let you know if i get my wish or not..

take care all
xx :hug:
Hi Fiona :hug:

I hope you are able to rest a bit now you are home with the family. No doubt the stress of the last few days has taken it's toll on everyone. You all need a little quiet time now of rest and doing nothing at all like hard work.

With my first son, I had pre-eclampsic toxaemia and was in hospital for 6 weeks. In the ante-natal ward I made a lot of friends, including one lovely lady who had placenta praevia. She had her little girl at 29 weeks and the baby was in the special care baby unit for a few weeks before being allowed home at about 34 weeks. The girl is fine now, no problems with health at all, and you would never know she had an early arrival into the world. Bear in mind also - this was 17 years ago! Modern technology and healthcare has improved SO much in the intervening years. There's lots they can do to monitor you and ensure you and the baby are ok. :hug:

Just hang in there I'm sure you will make it. I'm right with you on how long the pregnancy seems sometimes. Just last night I said to OH "I don't want to be pregnant any more". Of course I didn't mean it really... I was just tired of the aches/pains and feeling ill. I will be very happy to cross the 30 week mark and will be celebrating that week. :)

Thank you sabrina, it does give me hope that technology has changed for the better, if baby does decide to come early then i know it will have a good chance, just seems so close now... :hug:
sunshinestars said:
Thank you sabrina, it does give me hope that technology has changed for the better, if baby does decide to come early then i know it will have a good chance, just seems so close now... :hug:

I agree yet there are times when I feel like this pregnancy has gone on forever! :?

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