Fingers crossed for me tommorrow!!


Well-Known Member
Apr 26, 2006
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Hello girls,
Well im off to midwifes tomorrow for my sweep!
im begging that it will work! :pray:
Has it ever worked for anyone else! :)
they say it will only work if babys ready to come :D
good luck hun will keep everything crossed for you xxxx
oh all the best wannbe mum i hope the sweep works for you and you see your little one very very soon. :hug:
I bet ill have my sweep tomorrow and baby will come on wednesday my birthday!! :lol:
WOOHOO YAY, IT WILL WORK YOUR GOING TO HAVE HER ON WEDNESDAY WAT A PRESSY! im camping on your doorstep like you did mine! mine didnt work for me but she didnt o mine right, tell her to keep fiddling till she pulld it out, good luck hunni what times your sweep
Alfiesmummy said:
WOOHOO YAY, IT WILL WORK YOUR GOING TO HAVE HER ON WEDNESDAY WAT A PRESSY! im camping on your doorstep like you did mine! mine didnt work for me but she didnt o mine right, tell her to keep fiddling till she pulld it out, good luck hunni what times your sweep

10.30 matey!! will text you if i get any niggles!! :wink:
How exciting! Hope it works for youuuuu, and you have your baby either by or on your birthday! Would be lovely for you both to share that day :hug: :hug: :hug:
haha thats the only day she said she dont want her to come lol cause she wont get as many presents
:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:
thats my girl
fingers and toes crosses for you...........

keep us posted :) :) :)
Yeah we will all be waiting for news of your 'niggles' Shell!
Good luck hun, hope things start happening soon for you! :pray:
Mine worked, within 4 hours I had gone into labour. MW told me that when they do it they assess you on something called the bishops scale. If you are 5 or above it will work, mine was 7!!

Good luck, get that baby moving!!! :hug:

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