Finding it hard - OU course


Well-Known Member
Feb 15, 2011
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Hey all,

Just a little rant. I'm currently doing the last part of my Open University degree in History, started in Feb and will end in October with an exam in the same week I will be due!

I managed to get a little ahead with the studying but work full time and I just can't keep up! As soon as i get home all i want to do is sleep not start trudging through wordy books about WW1.

I don't want to give it up as i've been doing it for 6 years now and just want it to be over but not sure if is worth is when I might not even be able to do the exam at the end. I 'should' be able to defer the exam and do it the following April but tbh i've not enquired about it, want to wait till my scan.

I just don't want to fail! flush £600 pounds down the drain. I've already put this last part off as I was getting married / building a house last year and knew I wouldn't be able to cope and can't face putting it off for another.

Hoping the tiredness eases off soon but even when i'm reasonably alert all I can think about is baby stuff!

Anyone else managing to juggle too many commitments?
I'm due to start year 4 at uni a couple of months before my due date, really not sure how I will cope with a new baby and the demands of year 4 but think I'll just 'deal' with it at the time! I'm like you and don't want to put it off a year ( I'm getting old as it is!) I think these things always fall into place, us women are great at juggling lots of things. Maybe when you go on maternity leave you might find more time to get on with the studying, for now just try to do little and often, half hour here and there is better than nothing! Good luck x
I'm in the same boat with you about the OU, totally missed an assignment worth 20% because morning sickness so bad, got my eca due in April and am not sure I have the energy!! Then my next course starts may and finishes 4 weeks after the bubs is due, I have no idea how I'm gonna do it!!!
I recently graduated with honours from the OU, but a few years ago I suffered a bereavement in my close family and really struggled to carry on studying. I spoke to the OU about it and luckily for me they were very understanding and let me defer my study and exam for 6 months at no financial cost to me. So if you are worried just give them a call and explain to them your situation. xx

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