

Well-Known Member
Feb 18, 2011
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I know this sounds spoilt because I don't expect people to buy me stuff BUT....

MIL and FIL have finally asked us what we need for the baby. I was starting to get a bit despondent because aside from being polite about the baby they haven't really shown much interest. They live in Tenerife and rarely come back. Anyhow I spoke with MIL last night and they've been looking at baby stuff and asking if we need a buggy or furniture or something. I'm just made up that they've been thinking about us and obviously any help with some of the big stuff would be amazing :cheer:
That's lovely! I know the feeling all my OHs family have jumped right in and half of my family haven't yet. Causing some tension tii

TBH I was dreading awkward situations more than anything.
I know the feeling too. OHs mum had the best reaction when we told them but I reckon they'll leave offering to buy something til the last minute. They kindly offered bil and sil money for their wedding but then didn't mention it again until about 6 weeks before.

I think we'll just buy everything and assume they're not and if they later ask, maybe ask for money towards something we've bought.

Difficult isn't it. As you say, you don't want to act spoilt.


That's great Ninja :D

Tbh I don't think we will get anything except the odd outfit brought for us, my mum wants to get us something but I know she cant really afford it. Ash fell out with his mum years ago, so I have no in-laws!
In all fairness though, she is our 3rd child......just a 12 year age gap lol
I think we'll just buy everything and assume they're not and if they later ask, maybe ask for money towards something we've bought.

I know this is what we are doing. Still not taking anything for granted. I'm gonna ask for vouchers or money towards the furniture. Still feel cheeky making suggestions but we never ask for anything not even when DH lost his job when Woolies went bust.

And Lilmoomin I know what you mean. My Mum hasn't got a big income and she wants to get us something. I've told her I don't want or expect anything. I said if she sees little bits and pieces she wants to get then thats up to her but I don't want anything major off her.
My mum wants to get us a cot, I told her she couldn't afford it but she said she would find a way! So i'm thinking if she wont back down, then I might nip her to Thorpes or Mothercare so she can do a payment plan on one, so she doesn't feel it so much. I mean we wont need the cot till probably February/ March time. I just feel guilty but she is so stubborn!
why not show her some nice second hand ones on ebay?
I know what you mean! My mum has bought us so much stuff for the baby, she's making blankets and crib bumpers and everything. First thing OH's parents said when we told them about pregnancy was "don't expect us to help"... Charming! They still chain smoke around me and stuff. I'd rather not see them at all, they did sod all for our wedding too while my parents paid for the whole thing and sorted every little detail. I know noone should expect handouts, it just makes me resentful when my side are doing so much and his side can't even offer a hand with anything :'( xxx

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