

Well-Known Member
Jun 2, 2010
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Well after nearly a year of trying, and a heart breaking 44 day cycle in June (and a trip to the Drs for the dreaded male 'pot') my partner and I have had these 3 results today!

Cant see the CBD clearly due the lighting!

We are due 18th May next year and very very excited!

Goodluck to everyone else trying and testing this month, and Congrats to everyone else whose got their BFP :lol:


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Congratulations to you both hun, wishing you a happy and healthy 9 months x x

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Congratulations hunny pie, there are loads of us in tri 1 x x xx
Congratulations hun wishing you a happy and healthy 9 months xx
Congratuations, me and hubby have been trying for a while and is very heartening to hear of other people falling after trying for a while. You must be over the moon!
Congratuations, me and hubby have been trying for a while and is very heartening to hear of other people falling after trying for a while. You must be over the moon!

Dont give up Hun. If TTC is starting to take over your life then stop! My partner and I were starting to obsess about it all. After my 44 day cycle we decided enough was enough and we had to calm down! We spent July and August just working, socialising and enjoying spontaneous BDing! And ta-da, we got the right result! Fingers crossed for you and your OH and plenty of :dust:

Thanks to everyone else! :):):)

Wishing you a happy and healthy 9 months xx
You must be sooooo excited!!! Well done - I can see the CBD 2-3 weeks fine on my PC !!!
MissJuly, the tests I used are just Tescos own! £6 ish for two, cheap and cheerful! I think Sainsburys and Asdas use the same company and brand them as their own! Im a bit of a pro at HPT now! lol

Thanks again to everyone :) xx
Congratulations!! Enjoy every moment. xxx
Thanks Laura,

I'm trying to enjoy but I wont be convinced this is really happening to me till I have my first scan and I see it there in black and white! Although the nausea and sore boobs Ive got are making it seem slightly real! xx
Ah I can imagine. The whole baby process is worrying from start to finish. I know when I am pregnant, I'll be the same!! First it's ttc, then its the 12ww. Then its giving birth! You'll be fine though and have a lovely bump before you know it :) Take care and keep us posted! xxxx

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