Finally - some closure!


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2013
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Had my scan today, the foetal pole they saw before has now disappeared but the sack is still there. I'm having an erpc thing tomorrow afternoon, I'm actually relieved as its a bit of closure, which sounds strange! I have learnt so much through this process, mainly how amazing my husband, family and friends are! Fingers crossed this never happens again and I can get my bfp before long! :)
Best of luck with the op, and I'm sorry you had a long wait for it. I waited for 2 months for the op after my mmc ended in a failed mc. I had retained products still, the op was me meant the end of my 6 months of hell. I was fortunate to fall pregnant after my first af arrived after the op, so I wish you all the luck :hugs: xx
Thanks kanga and congratulations on your pregnancy! I hope to start trying as soon as I've recovered (think this will actually help me heal!) You had to wait for such a long time, poor you!! Will keep you posted on how it goes!
I know how you feel, once my MMC was confirmed I just wanted it to all be over, to stop feeling pregnant and for my stomach to stop getting bigger. I was quite emotional on the day though. I am glad you have a good support system around you and I am sure they will help you through it all xx
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Thanks lisey - so sorry this happened to you as well. It's definitely the worse thing to be told at your scan, I wouldn't wish this on anyone. Hope you get your bean soon, fingers crossed for everyone who has ever been in this position. Xx
Thanks hun. I hope we all get our forever babies very soon x
Hi Cazzie, I am so sorry to hear about your loss :hug: With my 1st mc last year, I had to have a D&C 2 weeks after they confirmed there was no heartbeat as my body wouldn't let go naturally. It was a very traumatic time for me but once I knew my pregnancy wasn't viable I just wanted it to be over so I could move on. I totally understand how you feel and I will be thinking of you tomorrow lovely xxx
2 weeks of limbo is pretty hellish, I'm glad you'll get closure tomorrow. The op itself is very straight forward, I've had 2 erpcs and both times was up and getting on pretty normally the next day. I caught on the second cycle after my last erpc and now 36 weeks...
Thanks kanga and congratulations on your pregnancy! I hope to start trying as soon as I've recovered (think this will actually help me heal!) You had to wait for such a long time, poor you!! Will keep you posted on how it goes!

My little boy is now nearly 16 months old :) I will be thinking of you tomorrow :hugs: xx
I hope everything goes well today. Sending good thoughts your way! X
HI everyone! Today went well, had the op about 4 and I was home by half 8. Feeling good, no pain just a bit of bleeding. Glad I did it as getting knocked out was the good part, best sleep for ages!! Doctor was very positive, said that everything looked good and that the sac was healthy, I lost a bit of blood but that was normal considering the size of it. Pleased I can move on, feels like a weights been lifted off me. Thank you for all your support.xx
Glad your ok. Hope you have a speedy recovery. Cya in ttc xxx

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