FInally Made a Decision


Well-Known Member
May 25, 2007
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Am firmly Team Green.

When we were TTC I told my husband that I wanted to keep the baby's sex a suprise, and for him to be the one to tell me when he/she is born. He wasn't keen as he wanted to buy blue or pink things before the baby was here, but after chatting with his mum and aunty and my aunty at the weekend he has said that he would be OK not finding out aswell :cheer:

I just think that because I want a homebirth so much, if it doesn't happen I will be devastated. I will have it written in my birth plan that I want him to tell me if it's a boy or girl and no one else, no matter what the circumstances - even if it's an emergency c-section, so at least I will have something to concentrate on if it all goes tits up!

So excited to have made a decision. It will be hard at the 20 week scan not to find out, but it'll be worth it in the end I'm sure :D
But you have to promise to keep me strong- I have no patience so will probably change my mind next week :rotfl:
Nooooooooooooooooooooooo :cry:

Anyway, my bump's a girl. I know it.
DH really wants another girl as he loves the fact that DD is such a Daddy's girl, I would like one of each but he will definitely get his own way, I know it. In fact he's already calling the bump 'She' :lol:
I think that is a lovely idea, keep strong and stand firm.
Good for you! We didn't find out and my husband told me both times that it was a boy. Will be doing the same this time hopefully. I liked it when he told me, was a really special moment. x
Good for you!! I wish i had had that much self control at my 20 week scan.
Good for you!!! My OH told me that Austin was a boy when he was born & it was fantastic. Much more fun to keep it a secret!
maybebaby said:
Good for you!!! My OH told me that Austin was a boy when he was born & it was fantastic. Much more fun to keep it a secret!

I agree. I don't want to know what mine is.

Otherwise, come the birth... "it's a boy" "yes... I know".....
Bit of an anti-climax I thought ...

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