finally home! **pics of my baby girl**


Well-Known Member
Apr 26, 2007
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well i was discharged yesterday (what a kerfuffle tht was too!) unfortunately without Tanika but she'll be home soon.

As i promised, pics of my baby girl...
*edit - sorry the last 2 r big for some reason they wont go any smaller when i re-size them*

the tube is for feeding cos she wouldnt have develpoed a sucking reflex til about 34 weeks in the womb and she was born at 31+2. the tube is thru her nose now tho cos she doesnt need air anymore and she was having a good nuzzle when i cuddled her yesterday had 2 give her a dummy (which is also tiny!) so she wud settle bless her, so hopefully will be able to start on breastfeeding in the next week

All of these pics are when she was about 40 hours old

my first cuddle. sorry about the state of me, this was the Sunday, i had her on the friday

Daddys hands on her, apparently placing them there calms a prem baby cos they feel snug/secure

cant wait til shes home with us
awh hun! shwa stunning.. and actually not as small as i thought she would be!!! congrats again!
thats amazing how well she looks!
shes gorgeous well done :dance:
awww look at her ! she's so gorg and perfect ! glad your home for xmas sorry its without bubba , something to look forward to in the new year !

is it far to travel to hossy to see her ?
She is gorgeous! Hope you get to bring her home soon :hug: :hug: :hug:
G3M said:
awww look at her ! she's so gorg and perfect ! glad your home for xmas sorry its without bubba , something to look forward to in the new year !

is it far to travel to hossy to see her ?

not really, five minute walk to the bus stop, well ten at my pace right now, and 20 minutes on the bus
awww i cant believe how well she looks!! and how much hair she has!!!!!

Shes a stunner! :D
ah bless, congrats again. she is lovely. her skin in so nice for premature :D
She is SO beautiful! Bless ya. You must be so proud!!
She is gorgeous! Congratulations :D She doesn't look like she was born as early as she was!

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