Finally got 5 mins to catch up with you all!!


Well-Known Member
Feb 21, 2008
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OMG its been such a busy few weeks!! We have finally finished doing up the chalet and have had one viewing but sadly it wasnt what they wanted so we have now put it on ebay ... 0258327832 (if you want to be nosey lol) We have decided though that enough is enough and we are going to move the old place out of the way and set up the new one and get is sorted once and for all. Am sick of having to keep this place like a showhome every day incase we get a viewing!

Daughter has been off school ill with a terrible cold and has now kindly passed it onto me and i am feeling quite rough, ear ache, headache, sore throat puffy face etc!

We have introduced a new play curriculum in Wales which is a joke cos it means double the amount of planning that we used to do for the children so i have spent most evenings doing all my planning so its all sorted up until next July when i go back to work!

Baby is still breech. Have MW on thursday and then consultant on the 2nd, if she hasnt turned then they want to book me in for a C section, really not happy about that!

Soooooooooo, what have i missed?
Hi hun,

I hope you get it sold asap.
Have you any where ready to move into when its sold?
Must be a stressful time for you hun, especially with being so heavily pregnant.
Hopefully baby will turn aswell.

All the best sweetie.
awww hun have some :hug: :hug:
Baby still has time to turn so I'll keep my fingers crossed for you :pray:
Yeah got a new chalet in the field next to us to move into place of this one as soon as this one is shifted!!! Cant wait to get in and settle!
Good luck with everything hun! The chalet is lovely btw!!
Noor~ul~Usman said:
awww hun have some :hug: :hug:
Baby still has time to turn so I'll keep my fingers crossed for you :pray:

Oh I do hope its sells real soon.
You need to get settled ready for baby.

My fingers are crossed for you hun xxxxxx

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