Finally felt LO kick!


Well-Known Member
Feb 25, 2011
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We've decided to try playing music to the little one and see how he reacts. Tried classical the other day and didn't get much response, but played The Feeling's first album, 12 Stops and Home last night and baby finally started kicking me. Not only could I feel it, I could actually see my tummy move. It was ace! I've been waiting to feel this for ages and (even though I know it can still be normal not to really feel anything at this stage) it's a really relief to know I can finally feel him moving around in there!

Going to keep trying out different types of music and see how he reacts now. Though will be playing quite a lot of chilled out relaxing music so that when we play it when he's born it'll help soothe him.

Just hope the kicking means he was dancing along, rather than being a sign to stop playing!
brilliant huni! must try music and see how bubs reacts! xxxx
It's great, I just sit there with big headphones on my bump. Apparantly you just set the volume to what would be comfortable if you were wearing them properly, then put them on the bump. You can then sit and watch TV, read a book, whatever, while LO has a listen. I have read that you should try not to over stimulate LO, so if you are going to do it like this, keep it to a max of an hour a day.
My LO doesnt seem to react at all to music, but if i am watching a violent film with lots of bangs he starts to kick, so i know to turn it down as its obviously too loud and upsetting.

He mainly reacts to food stimulation. I had Thai last night and he jumped around for 2 hours. Trouble is, how do I know if that's "Yay, I love thai food!" or "What the hell is this spicy crap?"
Orlando is going mad while I am watching a programme about 9/11!

I haven't tried this yet so will defo give it a go! I haven't really noticed a stimuli for kicks yet.. he/she just starts rolling around in there whenever they feel like it lol xx
I'm gonna try this now I'm getting regular kicks.

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