

Well-Known Member
Apr 19, 2010
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My 11 year old son has just come home covered in mud...he'd been out with 2 of his mates and although wasnt fightin with another group of lads they've had a bit of a run in!
My husbands attitude to this is 'he needs to start boxin so he can look after himself'. There is no way he's goin to start boxin,and i was hinking back to my schooldays and can honestly ay that the only lads that punched other lads was the dickheads who r still dickheads now. My hubby was offended by this but hegrew up in hull and i grew up in a small town,which is were we live now. My eldest kids arent his but im dreadin whats goin to happen when my youngest gets older.
I know my son needs to stick up 4 himself but is violence really the way? Or am i just been naive? xx
Boxing isn't about violence, it's about control. I think if your son wants to do something like boxing or judo/karate/ju jitsu etc then he should but he shouldn't do it for the fighting as that's not what it's about. Any good boxer will walk away from a street fight not engage in it. It might help if your son has confidence issues. I hope this makes sense! Lol x unfortunatly there will be times that he might get into fights or altercations
Its just the age hun :eh:

My son now 20 was in his first week of high school (so 11-12), he'd become a prefect and I was so proud :lol: Next day he was in a fight and nearly got his badge taken off him :rofl: He's been in no fights since though x

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