FFS!!!!! Hospitals (tut)


Well-Known Member
Jul 10, 2007
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Sorry needed to get that off my chest. I've been waiting for some blood results for ages now and today I finally got through to the office and asked for the results...they put me on hold for about 10 minutes then came back to me and said that they needed to get my other notes and that they'd call me back...THAT WAS 2 HOURS AGO!!!

Now I can't get through again :shakehead:

I can't book my holiday until these results come back and I've got 2 weeks off work starting on Monday. I just wanna know if I'm allowed to go on holiday :cry:
Keep trying babes. Hope you get the results soon. xxx

Could you not just go to the surgery, they might get things moving if you are waiting there in person. xxx
The blood test was to test my clotting because my mum had thrombosis during her pregnancy so they wanted to test me. I'll have to have daily injections if the results come back and say I have "thick blood" which means that if the hospital will allow me to fly I'll need a permission letter thingy and I'll have to notify the insurance etc etc

The doctors surgery just keep telling me to ring the hospital antenatal clinic :roll:
i dont even know what blood group i am yet :think:
Isn't it pants!? I can't believe Midna is still waiting for her 12 week blood test results...she only has 74 days before her due date! :shock:
pilkers said:
Isn't it pants!? I can't believe Midna is still waiting for her 12 week blood test results...she only has 74 days before her due date! :shock:

:shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock:
do u know wat blood group you are?
thats important isnt it?
well I managed to get through again...and now they are chasing up my results with the lab and they say they'll call me back!! I live in hope!
In my area the policy is that you dont get results unless they are cause for worry. Perhaps check your hossys policy to see if they do the same.
The hospital finally called me back...and.....

they've lost all my bloods :evil: :shakehead:

Not looking good for my holiday abroad.....Devon here I come!
OMG thats awful. Bl00dy hospitals. So what happens now?? Have they said??
all they said was "we're really sorry..."

I'm in on Monday for my 20 week scan so they'll have to take the blood again and I'm seeing the consultant again and he might give me permission to go abroad...so it'll be a booked it, packed it, effed off holiday!

I wouldn't mind but we had to wait 9 weeks to get the original appointment :wall:

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