Few weaning / breastfeeding questions....


Well-Known Member
Feb 11, 2007
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We've just started on solids again (she was refusing after having thrush a while back) and shes doing ok, we decided to start from the beginning again and shes having 2 meals a day (dinner/tea) which usually consist of puree's, yoghurt, porridge etc then shes also having some finger foods like rice cakes, fruit/veg chopped up, toast etc but she doesnt eat alot of this as it usually ends up all over the floor :rotfl: but she has a go which is the main thing at mo.

* Should she be having juice with meals or is she ok with boob milk?

* She STILL wont have a cup, we've been trying with juice & milk with meals but shes not interested. I would like her to have a cup ideally so i can have a break if needs be and then just cut down to morning/night feed and the rest she have out of a cup... We've tried everything i can possibly think of apart from letting her go hungry until she has the cup cos i just dont have the heart to do it.

* Im also worried about the comfort side of things, she wont sleep without boob and when i stop I can see this being a massive problem... I always tried not to rely on it when she was younger but decided that I might aswell use it to my advantage to send her to sleep so did and now im worried she wont go sleep without! She does go to sleep when bounced/rocked but not as easy as with boob.

* Shes waking up 6-8 times a night for food... have tried increasing her solids but she doesnt want anymore at mo, could it be a growth spurt? Its been going on a good few weeks but it only seems to be at night and not during the day? We have moved recently so she is a bit unsettled due to that but it was going on before we moved just not this bad.

Thank uuuu! :hug:
perseverance tbh... Lil miss just gets a cup of expressed booby milk per meal.. Shes not great and a lot of it ends up down her but she gets some..: She doesn't really eat that much either tbh, and they still only have tiny tummies, sounds like you are doing fine.

As for the waking in the night, she's not waking cos shes hungry shes waking because the boob fell out of her mouth... happens to lil miss too... she wakes for 2 feeds still, but she fusses whenever my boob falls out her mouth.

Like you I've been relying on the boob to get her to bed... I did with Tia and Tia sleeps fine now without a boob in her head so you will be fine... You can try CC as that will be the only way you will get her to go down without a boob... I tried it with lil miss and it worked for a while, but where she has been unwell, shes gone back to wanting boob all the time.

We give lil miss juice because its very hot here, I'm working so not on call to give her a drink when she wants and she has had a urine infection so has required lots of fluid to flush out her kidneys. In general you don't need to give a booby baby juice if you are on call all the time, but I have found that lil miss seems to like having a little drink rather than boob...

how'd the move go btw?
Thx 4 reply, move went well. I dont cosleep, ellie goes back in her cot after a feed and at bedtime. Hopefully a phase, i have my fingers n toes crossed.

Hope lil miss is better soon. Sorry 4 quick reply, on my mobile xx
I've just started weaning (3wks ago) and at mo am giving Oliver "boob before food".

As he's been exclusively breastfed I don't see the point in introducing a bottle at this stage, but as I'm going back to work in November, I need to get him onto a cup for his milk before then.

I've just started giving him a lidded cup with free flow spout of cool boiled water after his lunch. He's not drinking much & really just playing with it at the moment, but my plan is to wait until he gets used to drinking water from this, then start giving him at least 1 feed a day of expressed breast milk. That's the plan.... will have to wait & see if it works, Oliver may have other ideas altogether! :rotfl:

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