Hiccups - baby ones not mine


Well-Known Member
Sep 23, 2007
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How often do you notice your LO in there having a bout of hiccups? And how long do they usually go on for?

I find them very creepy tbh as I notice them so low down its weird. Has been like that for a few weeks now and to wake in the night and find your baby hiccupping right down in your pelvic area is, to me anyways, disconcerting. I know some love feeling hiccups but it always weirds me out :roll:

Mine usually happen twice a day and go on for 10 minutes average. Always when LO is having a quiet spell and I am not feeling movement.
Awwwww...... I loved the hiccups bit!! I miss them still - even 21mths on!

I used to get them about 3 times a day.... and even now Arianna is a very hiccupy (if thats a word) girl, if she laughs too much she gets them :D
My Lo gets them most days usually once or twice.

I'm not keen on them either-I find it a bit irritating tbh.
I love feeling my baby kick and wriggle around but as far as the hiccups go I'm with you Sherlock... I find them a bit creepy and it makes me feel a bit :puke: like when you get hiccups yourself. xxxx
ds used to get hiccups every night at about 8pm. After he was born he still used to hiccup at a similar time for the first few weeks.
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I'm not sure that I've had any yet, when are they supposed to start?

Alex x
I really don't like them (as I posted earlier), the regularity of them really freaks me out.

Something else that freaks me out - because baby's head is now firmly wedged in my pelvis, they now make my entire body and skeletal system shudder BUT my OH discovered this morning he can't feel them AT ALL any more from the outside :shock:
I hardly ever notice them, I can imagine they would get annoying if you got them regularly
i get them regualry so cant really tell how many a day its so often

and i love it its sooo cute 8)
My experience of hiccups is almost identical to your Sherlock. I am not weirded out by them, but they do get annoying because they tickle.
My LO gets them a few times a day and it quite often bugs me! It does feel like she's shaking me too!
I guess it's a good thing as it means they are swallowing...
I think my baby has had hiccups once - even then I have no idea if thats hwat is was :lol:
LO gets them at least 3 times a day for 20 mins or so :wall:
I think any amount is normal though.
When Luke was born, I noticed that he got hiccups all the time and mentioned it to the midwife. She smiled and asked if he had them a lot in the womb, which he did and she said that it was very common for them to continue having them once they are born if they had them a lot inside you! :D
my bump gets them 2 to 3 times a day and they can last for about 10mins, it makes me laff :rotfl:
couple of times a day for around 10 minutes - not keen on the sensation but if she's had a sleepy day like the reassurance of any movement. My dd was hiccupy in the womb and as a baby too whereas the boys werent.

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