fertility spells!


Well-Known Member
Feb 3, 2010
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worth a go?!

Spell to Improve Chances of Conceiving a Child

Fill a warm (not too hot) bath and add 3 drops of lemon oil, 3 drops of orange oil and 3 drops of lime oil. Take turns bathing one another thoroughly (no soap, just a clean cloth and the scented water), until the water cools. About 30 minutes. After you have bathed and before love making, each of you should drink a half a cup (4 oz.) of caffeinated coffee or tea. Caffeine improves sperm motility in males and studies have shown women who drink this amount of caffeinated tea each day improve chances to conceive up to 200%.
After making love, the male should place several pillows under the woman's hips, tipping her pelvis up and back. This makes it easier for the sperm to travel to the ovum. To help alleviate the discomfort this awkward position can cause, he should remain with her and massage her feet and calves. This stimulates blood circulation through out the body including the womb. This position should be held for 30 minutes.

couples candle spell to concieve
One week prior to ovulation, Mom-to-be should increase her consumption of citrus/acidic foods (tomatoes, oranges, lemons, etc), nuts and leafy greens like kale or spinach. Avoid greasy or oily meats (sausages, pepperoni, pork). If you aren't already, consider taking a folic acid supplement.

The day before your most fertile day, the actual day, and the day after, place three new candles of equal size (1 blue, 1 pink, 1 white) near the bed.
The father-to-be should light the blue candle and say the following:
"Divine Father, We call thee El, Priapus, Ing, Min and Cernunnos,

You, whose sheltering arms shield and comfort your young,

Whose power is seen in the mighty river, the nourishing Sun,

Bless this union of man and mate.

The mother-to-be should light the pink candle and say the following:

"Divine Mother, We call thee Inanna, Asherah, Freya, Vesta and Hathor

You, who bear, nurture, and defend your young against all dangers,

Whose power is seen in the fertile fields, the moonlit breezes,

Bless this union of woman and mate.

Together, you both should light the third candle and together repeat the following:

"Lord and Lady, Mother and Father, Life Divine.

As two are made one, we seek your sacred blessing,

Gift us with a healthy child,

One who embodies the best of us both.

Imagine a warm light filling the room as you make love. Let the candles burn until they go out on their own. Repeat with new candles for each of the remaining nights.

and my favourite which i will definatley do
A spell to prevent miscarriage
If you are having trouble carrying to term, use this spell in combination with your conception ritual. Begin by getting a sturdy piece of green rope (for growth). Tie one knot in it to represent the baby. Hold the rope gently in both hands and place it up against your heart and say, "Secured in my womb, a seed of love. There to grow and blossom until released by nature __months hence. Surrounded by safety, health, and wholeness you shall remain until this knot is undone." Fill in the blank with the number of months until your due date, then keep the rope bundled in a baby blanket.
When you go into labor, untie the knot at the hospital to release any pain and open the birth canal. This is similar to what many European midwives used to do. When delivering a baby, they opened every cupboard, button, and window so that labor would be swift.
Note from StarWitch: I would recommend that you spend some time visualizing the work of art above and imagine that you are in the center of the angels and that they are infusing you with healing energy that will keep your baby safe and sound. Visualize that the baby is already born and you are holding her in your arms. Use the Law of Attraction to bring about the outcome you desire.
During your most fertile time (usually 2 days before, during and after ovulation), light 9 white candles in your bedroom. Place them around your bed. Sit or stand nude with your partner facing the North and repeat the following:

"With one mind, we call to thee.
With one heart, we long for thee
Childe of Earth, Wind, Fire & Sea,
In to our lives, we welcome thee"

Turn to the East, then South, then West, repeating this incantation each time you do so. Proceed as nature requires. Repeat this spell each of the 5 nights before intercourse.
that mc one is a good one
but im unsure on the candle liting one as i dont think my oh would say it :(
Fertility Charms
This is a list of various charms to use/carry to help promote fertility.
~Carry a bagful of hazel nuts to ensure your own fertility.

~Other herbs to ensure fertility are basil, hazel, poppy, cucumber, apple, pomegranate, acorns, myrtle, and all other nuts.

~Men should carry a piece of mandrake root to ensure their won fertility and sexual prowess, while the jasmine flower does the same for women. The first seven herbs listed above can be added to food and take internally to ensure proper fertility, or they can be introduced into sachets, as can acorns, myrtle and nuts.

~Bull Amulet: To increase fertility in women and men, wear a bull shaped amulet, or place on under the bed before making love.

~Fish Amulet: An amulet shaped like a pair of fish and made of gold or mother of pearl will increase fertility and virility, bring prosperity and offer you protection from people you hate or who have evil intentions.

~Goat Amulet: The symbol of the goat (sacred to Aphrodite and the Horned God) increases fertility when worn or carried as an amulet, and is especially favorable for those born under the sign of Capricorn.

~Ram Amulet: An amulet in the shape of a ram will increase fertility in women.

~Unicorn Amulet: The unicorn is a ancient symbol of chastity and protection, and it's fabled born was said to be used in medieval times as an amulet to detect poisons in the food or drinks of kings, queens, pontiffs and popes. To promote fertility or increase sexual magnetism, wear any type of amuletic jewelry shaped like a unicorn.
yeah me and mine would to but then im sure the BD after would be so good lol and then we would lie laughing after at how silly we would have looked lol
Oh you completely missed out on the Fertility Spell thread we had last month.

StarFish is a white witch i think, if that is what you call them. She didn't call herself one though so sorry if i'm wrong StarFish :blush:

She seems to be into her wiccan and she did a couple of us some spells :)

They were really good.
yeah me to lets start a thread just for her
well ask for help :p
Can I just say I love you guys, you made me laugh, and believe me I needed a laugh!! Am off to my own special thread you did me, grinning like an idiot.

PS. Lou, I'm not wiccan, I'm solitary, wiccans are coven witches. No particular branch of magic for me, dont even think of it as witchcraft, just believe in getting back what you send out and the power and balance of the earth, that kind of stuff xxx
PS. Lou, I'm not wiccan, I'm solitary, wiccans are coven witches. No particular branch of magic for me, dont even think of it as witchcraft, just believe in getting back what you send out and the power and balance of the earth, that kind of stuff xxx

I like that school of thought too, but never actually looked into how to do it :)
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PS. Lou, I'm not wiccan, I'm solitary, wiccans are coven witches. No particular branch of magic for me, dont even think of it as witchcraft, just believe in getting back what you send out and the power and balance of the earth, that kind of stuff xxx

I like that school of thought too, but never actually looked into how to do it :)

Easy to start, just focussing on what means a lot to you, like when you got a crystal for fertility, oh and taking some time to connect to nature. Go hug a tree xxx
Ok girls, been thinking about this a bit today and i think maybe the spells i wrote were a bit of a lot of work and too advanced? I did try to make them really simple, but they look very long written out. So I've come up with an extremely simple version that you can use at any time of the month (without having to regard moon cycles) as long as you are ovulating or just before you ovulate.

It's very similar to the others but less stuff and time, but might not carry as much weight. You need a candle, an apple, a knife and a bowl of water. Thats all.

But you need to write it yourself. Get a scrap of paper and jot down a few lines on what you want. I suggest mentioning the apple as the seed of life. Also that it is the wish of both heart and mind. Personally i like it to rhyme but it's not vital. Spell to follow:
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Light the candle and ask out loud for protection and blessing

Cut the apple side ways across the middle and place both halves in the water

Read out your spell

put the paper into the flames and burn

drink a little of the water and annoint yourself at mind, heart and womb

give thanks and blow out the candle

That's it, would love to know how many tried it :)
I will be doing it asap what kind of things should we be putting in the spell?

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