Fertility Friend addict

I switched to the below the cover method too when I was temping as OH used to moan about the beep :oops:

I think it is perfectly normal to stare at you chart (and others) for hours- you never know maybe one day a cryptic message will appear. I used to do it for hours- and still check up on you lot! :D
Look at my chart today - what a tinker. This is just what I mean. I'm due on Sunday/ Monday and it's keeping me in half hope right up to the last min this month. How very in characture!

*Goes to look up implantation dips with twins* :rotfl:
dear god thats a dip and ahalf :shock: as for me , ive dipped again , tink its the start of the slippery slop downward
think its tues , so long off ! im 10 dpo today , hate this day cos u always wonder what if lol
Yeah me too. I am just one day ahead of you but have been having a lutheal phase of 12 - 13 days last few months so expecting AF anytime between tomorrow and Mon. I think I might test tomorrow am anyway as I have a first response. But I'll see how my will power is. I got a bfn on 9dpo, no surprise there, so that has slightly put me off testing again. Aggghhhh!

I'll hold your hand Gem :D
id love us to get a bfp togather , would be soooo cool ! altho with fothers already gone our old time charters would nearly all be gone , only be fingercrossed left !

:pray: come on bfp !

ill test before sunday as my mum and nanna are coming down to visit and would be great news for them :pray:
:pray: It would be amazing wouldn't it! I'm sure we'll be all broody and miffed on Monday with the arrival of aunt flow. But then a again........you never know :pray: :pray: :pray:
Good luck you two- I have kept a couple of seats warm for you :hug:
Thanks Lisa, hope to catch you before you nip off to second tri. Looks like you'll be getting your bump soon. xx
yeh cheers lisa , but looking like it will be a swift visit before u move up in the world ! how exciting moving into 2nd tri !
Corr Becs what a dip!! Will keep everything crossed for you - not sure if I want to be pregnant this month after the stupid stunt my OH pulled at the beginning of last week so I have chucked all my tests out - really hope you get the + though.

Jane x x x
becs , i had a spare hour today , guess what i done , searched the chart gallery :wall: even your last preggy one( :( ) was on my list !

can you all will our temps to stay up ( or me go up) tomorrow please !

i wanna go to my fertillty consultant in 2 weeks and go HA im 6 weeks pregnant :pray:
Hey Becs and Gem...
Tell me more about Fertility Friend.
I am charting, and will chart for the next 2 months before we start TTC.
I have NEVER paid attention to that stuff before, but I guess if I'm gonna start TTC I'd better!
What more could Fertility Friend tell me?
(Thanks and good luck this month to everyone!)
best way to find out is do the months free trial , iff you now the basics of charting anyway you'll be cool . it interprets ya temps / sgns etc aswell as u get a pretty chart for us to all stare at :rotfl:

becs, my temps gone up . but i woke up feeling very hot ( ya know when uwake and throw the cover off ) so not sure how acurate it is , i went to the loo and cooled off bit a temp dropped from 36.87 to 36.74 . still using the higher temp tho cos thats what it was when i woke :)

cant ait to see what your temp has done !
:shock: well it looks like we know why the temp rise happened :cheer: :cheer: :hug: :hug: . What a great start to saturday morning.

I had a temp rise today, it's never done that on day on 12dpo before and has never been so high, even when i was preg. So even though I got BFN today with first response I have my fingers well and truely crossed. Either way, nice to see some decent post ov temps.

So please for you Gem, I wish I could properly see you to give you a hug. I'm nearly in tears here :hug: :hug: :hug:

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