Poor Fern 

TV presenter Fern Britton has told how she was subjected to a terrifying sex attack as a young woman.
The 51-year-old host of ITV1's This Morning revealed she was was raped soon after her 21st birthday when she was living in Cambridge.
The harrowing ordeal is described in her memoir, My Life by Fern Britton, to be published next month.
The mother-of-four said she had been approached by the owner of two lost dogs after she handed the puppies in to a police station.
The man had asked police for her phone number. Britton said she later received a call from the owner, who invited her to join him for an evening with the sports team he coached.
She said: "They turned up in a minibus and we all trooped off to this slightly cheesy place and there was a glass of wine, chicken and chips, music and a bit of a dance-floor."
Soon afterwards the man phoned to ask Britton if she would have dinner with him and arranged to pick her up at her flat.