Fellow cloth bummers (sounds rude!!)


Well-Known Member
May 25, 2007
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Green bean loves his nappies, as do I - even though he now looks like a normal baby on his top half and then his bottom half looks like a Weeble!! :rotfl:

BUT he appears to be a really heavy wetter - I mean 2 boosters isn't enough, I feel like I am changing him loads :? or is it just because I am used to disposables which can take a hammering in the wee department??

Or (most likely,) am I doing something wrong - last night to try and keep him dry he had (outside to in):
- the waterproof wrap
- cloth nappy
- booster laid out flat along the whole stretch on nappy
- booster folded in half in the willy area
- liner

The poor thing was so bottom heavy, when laid in his cot his head was lower than him bum :lol:
but the whole cloth nappy was absolutley soaked this morning - (he was in it from half 9 till 9 (ish))

What am I doing wrong??
That all sounds ok you'll find that the cloth nappy is always soaked as you say your used to disposables. As long as the wraps keeping it all xx
Stanleys are always soaked through. Is he leaking through the wrap?

Nappies should be changed about every 4 hours, no matter what type. It's easier to drag this out with a disposable, but this has to be adhered to more with clothies :)
No, so far the wrap has been keeping it all in :)

(did you see my post dedicated to you Minxy?? ;) )

I didn't know if it was normal for the nappy to be wet but it seems it is - it doesn't bother Green Bean so I suppose it shouldn't bother me :lol:

Will just have to get used to it!

Oh and get me - I just ordered some washable wipes off e-bay. I'll stop shaving my legs next.... oh wait I have :rotfl:
:rotfl: lol..

you could fold both boosters at the willy area.. but yes as the others have said.. the nappy will be absolutly saturated by morning for cloth wipes try wet flannels :D
Yes, as the others have said, they will be soaked! I have heard of people putting the boosted between the wrap and the nappy instead of inside the nappy. I think that's to avoid leakages but we've never had to do it. I guess it just depends on the baby. Also, I have read that you *must* use barrier cream with washables but *shouldn't* (unless there is a rash) with disposables. The reason it is said that washables wearing tend to potty train earlier on average as compared to disposables wearing is that it isn't nice to sit in a wet nappy and they learn that! Disposables are just too dry and nice, I guess!
I have to change Eva before I go to bed, conveniently she wakes for a feed still around then anyway, and then I cheat and put her in a disposable so Im not trying to do it half asleep at 4 in the morning (next feed) lol. Dont know what I would do if I was lucky enough to have a sleeper though! :lol:
I use disposables at night too :lol: Couldn't be bothered with faffing about with cloth at night when he was waking for a feed and haven't gone back to cloth for night. Might do when we go up a size (which is soon :lol:)

moss said:
Also, I have read that you *must* use barrier cream with washables but *shouldn't* (unless there is a rash) with disposables.

I've never heard this and tbh Finlay hasn't had nappy rash so I don't see the point in putting something on if there isn't a problem.
I don't normally use it and have no problems, either. I guess it's just precautionary in case your baby has especially sensitive skin.
moss said:
I don't normally use it and have no problems, either. I guess it's just precautionary in case your baby has especially sensitive skin.

Sounds a bit daft imo :lol:

Cloth is better than disposable due to less chemicals so they are better off in the first place :D
Yep, I agree! I do sometimes worry about the fact that they get SO soaked, but I do a good job cleaning him and don't put off changing him, so he's fine!
I change Finlay more often that you would with disposables that way he's not too wet. :D
Cally is always soaking in the morning, such a heavy wetter but the wrap contains it.

Never used barrier cream really, and never heard that. In fact most cloth using mums advise against using a barrier cream as it can trap the wetness by the skin and irritate it, and can also stain the nappies.
We used barrier creams in the hospital for the opposite reason- to produce a barrier that prevents the moisture from penetrating through to the skin. I don't use it on Jacob, though, apart from the occasional tiny drop of Kamillosan on his bum because I'm worried about that potential hemorrhoid I mentioned in another thread. I think that I read this advice either in my What to Expect book or in something to do with my Bamboozles. Either way, it's personal choice and most of us seem to go against it!

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