Felling down and no1 believes me :(


Well-Known Member
Sep 1, 2007
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Hey everyone feeling qwite down as ive taken 4 pregnancy tests they all have very faint lines im 7 days late on my peiod and getting many symptons...but ive shown my family these tests and they know i have no period but refuse to believe im pregnant :(

what does everyone think?

thanks so much everyone xxx
Go to the doctor and get tests done there. Have your doctor write you a note, or bring along one of your parents. I am assuming you live with them/are quite young?
Get a digital test a clearblue one cause they are very sensitive. That way you will know for sure! but they say a line is a line(As long as the tests are read in the correct time) - so it looks good!

Maybe post a pic of the tests!

When I first tested the line were faint and got darker after a few days!
My OH didnt believe it till we did a digital

Goodluck! :hug:
refuse to believe you're NOT pregnant?! With 4 positive tests and no period I would say you most probably are!

I live at home with my mum and my 2 sisters also dont believe me no im not young im 28 years old.

Yes im doing a clear blue digital today :D

I have got pics of the tests here:

C:\Documents and Settings\user\My Documents\SP_A0434.jpg

copy and paste that into your broswer it should come up..
Igore the one at the end cos its too faint to see. but as u noticed i had to tear back the strip in order to see it clearly

wot u think?xx
can't see the pictures.

Do they think you are pregnant or not?
Can you send us the document with the tests on hon?
They say that the lines will become darker the later on after your period that you leave it...

I couldnt get that to work hun!

I always use


to upload pics! Its really easy to use and you just copy and paste the code into your message.
Family think im not they dont understand they think that a faint line isnt pregnant when we all know it is.

I cant put the picutre on here :(

does anyone have msn and ill send it over on there?

thanks xx[/img]
WORK!!! being a great company, have blocked that site. So looks like i'm out luck at looking.

Hi i have just looked at the pics and can see a 2nd line on them all but it seems that the line isnt in the right place. If you had to peel part of the test back to see a 2nd line i would say thats not a clear +ive, you shouldnt have to take the test apart to see a line. I would wait and then test in 2 or 3 days but follow the test to the word and take your results from that.

I hope you get the result you want honey!
hey hun

I looked at pics and the lines do seem in a weird place?? Deffo do a clearblue digital as this will give you a straight result.

are you hoping for a BFP??

i want bfp...But i dont one test the same one the week before and peeled that back and there was no line there i only peeled them back to see the line more clearly because i could see the line through that plastic bit...

i just done clear blue not digital one and its negative im way too confused
Being honest, I think that if you have done a CB digital and it says negative, then you;re probably not pregnant this time. The lines on those previous tests do appear to be in the wrong place and you really shouldn't need to peel them open to see any lines. Sorry :(
I saw the lines through the plastic i only peeled it back more so i can see it more clearly..i have no period and being sick every morning for the last two weeks weeing lots and getting headaches
could it have been an evap line hun? Id go to the docs if i were you :hug:
Its not evap because it come up straight away..and i done the same test 3 weeks before and that didnt have any line at all..im going docs 2nite
I think you should do a test with a more accurate one like clearblue or predictor...

Also not to sound cheeky but did you follow the instructions correctly? Sopmetimes that can interfere and sometimes especially when you in a muddle not too sure it can be done wrong (didnt pee too long, left too long etc).

I found predictor easiest to see...

Also I would keep the news to yourself and close ones just for now, comments from family will not and dont help!

xxx good luckxxx

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