Feet :(


Well-Known Member
Dec 17, 2010
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Im struggling with really painful feet. Mainly when i wake up in the mornings. It feels as though ive walked miles in my sleep. Really painful like a splitting sensation in the middle of them and just constant aches.

they arent overly swollen though so im puzzled. Does anyone else get this? I can't find any shoes that are comfortable, ive tried dolly shoes, flip flops, sandels. The most comfortable are my uggs but its getting hot and i cant wear them forever!

Help :(
could you maybe get some really bouncy comfy insoles, then hopefully you could put them in a nice soft pair of shoes?
the thing is, although i say they are not overly swollen - they dont really fit into my usual size 5's. so an insole would just make everything tighter :(
I read an article the other week saying feet can widen during pregnancy. Maybe just go up a size or look for the wide shoes, most shops have them. Hope you can find something comfy.
Hi - this happens me too although I am suffering with bad fluid retention in my feet. I get up about 4 times a night to go to the loo and sometimes it feels the soles of my feet are actually tearing when I walk. It goes away though quickly in the mornings when I get up for work. Not sure why this happens though.
hey i just posted in tri 3 bout my feet to... r urs hot? ive got the same thing and mine arnt to swollen either but the sorness of them feels like they should be x
yes they are hot too. its really bad! like I cannot find a pair of shoes where they dont hurt.
well i have the same thing going on i dunno if its normal or not..... ive not got my mw till 34 weeks now
Minght call in net 2 days tho if still the same.. I wore my wellys 2day as we have rain and they were slightly better but couldnt get them off hahah cant even get into some of my pumps or little shoes like u im a 5 but everything to tight.. ItS A NIGHTMARE. My hands kinda the same x
I had to buy size 8 shoes when im a size 6 near the end my feet turned out to be a sign of pre eclampsia but they didn't feel better till they delivered. Maybe at night try and keep your feet raised slightly ? xx
monkei, im sorry but your avatar is absolutley adorable!!! Sooo cute.

Yeh ive heard its signs of pre eclampsia, which is why im so worried as im due to go away in 2 weeks time :(

the worse part is just the pain when i walk - the feeling like the middle of them is tearing!
mine is more my heel, made worse by the fact that im getting cramp in the night so my calf is sore :(
have you tried your local Evans for shoes? the stock wide shoes and extra wide shoes only, and still do nice pumps ect (i work in one of their shoe departments) they have quite a few on promotion at the moment so you might be able to find something comfy and cheap :) hope your feet feel better soon :hugs: xxx

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