Feelings right now...


Active Member
Feb 24, 2009
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Terrible. I feel like I'm going to be disappointed again.

What does everyone think of these symptoms?

Last week I was exhausted all day everyday but I couldn't sleep at night due to not being able to get comfortable, being too hot/cold and just not being able to shut myself down! Sunday arrives and I wake up at 10am feeling so sick I was ready to cry. I fought through it, went into town but had to come home right away cus I thought I was either going to pass out or puke. Neither of which would have been good. I couldn't get to sleep yet again and just felt awful.

Yesterday, the sickness seemed worse and I hardly left my bed. Eating can go either way.. dinner last night made me feel better but I had my usual cup of tea and a choccie bickie afterwards just to feel that I was going to throw it all back up :(
Again, it was a restless night. Too hot, feeling pukey and just uncomfortable.

I have gotten pains in my lower tummy today, just dull, twisty sort of pains, the sickness comes and goes in varying degrees of strength and my breasts are very tender and it's uncomfortable to wear any of my bras... could any of these suggest pregnancy or stupid AF? I'm so desperate for a positive test.

Please help if you can shed any light!!

Af and preg symptoms are so similar aren't they!
The twingy pains and sore breasts could certainly be either but nausea would make pg more likely I think?
fingers crossed for you :pray:
Thanks jen, I know! It's unfair!
Why can't the symptoms just be different? :(

I'm just trying not to stress about it and get on with things while taking care of myself just in case

kaybee21 said:
Thanks jen, I know! It's unfair!
Why can't the symptoms just be different? :(

I'm just trying not to stress about it and get on with things while taking care of myself just in case


because it was a man that thought all this up! :lol:
-shakes fist- Stupid men!

My OH is probably more nervous than I am... but says he is glad he is not the one who has to feel like crap. :(

I'm not due until thursday.. but I'm going to the GP tomorrow in the hope that he will be able to test early...
I'm so anxious just hoping that all this sickness means I'll be a mummy!
When does nausea/sickness normally kick in?

I've been sleeping on and off most of the day... now I probably won't be able to get to sleep tonight!
Like a kid at christmas! :pray:

Good Luck tomorrow! I'm sure everyone will have their fingers crossed for you!

E x
Negative :(

I'm gutted. What's wrong with me then?!
Nothing to do now but wait for AF and try again.

Grr... I can't stop thinking about this.

Is it possible that because AF isn't due til tomorrow that I would get a negative Docs test?
He said to come back next week if AF is a no show...
The way I'm feelin now tho is not my usual symptoms! Maybe I'm just looking into it too much :(
I would stay positive!

I only had really really faint lines on all tests so id hang on in there until af actually shows!!

Fingers crossed for you

Thanks girls... I'm keeping everything crossed right now!
OH is at work, so I have lots of time to think about my current symptoms and BFN! :(

:hug: sorry it was bfn :(
don't give up hope just yet though, not over til af arrives!
Kaybee, u need to keep your mind completely OFF it! Don't stress, TRY not to think of it too much! Just be happy! I promise you, it'l work!

Fingers crossed!

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