Feeling :(


Well-Known Member
Mar 24, 2014
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So today has been a bad day, me and my hubby fell out because I can't stay in and now spend mo ey which to a certain degree is right but my argument is its hard to entrain 3 year old in a house anyway..... any :( is for I feel, fat wobbly and ugly!!. I don't eanna feel like this... I wanna keep beautiful and glowing and I don't.. I look half way between fat and pregnant. :( anyone else? I've already be looking losing weight after pregnacy !
Yup, I feel you girl! I actually lost a lot of body fat working out with a personal trainer right up until I found out I was pregnant, so my diet has changed as I was low carbing it for my 6 week fitness programme and I feel like a frump and bloated to the hilt. And yes it's bloody hard entertaining a tot indoors! My LO turns 4 on Monday and staying in the house doesn't work. I take her to a stay and play most days and then out to a forest to run about. But really I'm knackered and cannot muster up the energy some days to even want to play dollies etc. so a dander in the woods or the chance for her to play with other kids works wonders. Hope you feel better soon Hun. x
It's nice to know I'm not alone. My body is most bothering me! :/. Awful feeling. Xxx

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