feeling weak


Well-Known Member
Nov 9, 2007
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so frustrating, but still feeling really tired, weak and lightheaded! I've just slept for 11 hours (sooo needed it) but just don't have the energy to do anything!!! I'm meant to be going shopping this afternoon and having new eye lash extensions put in (ive become addicted to them since my wedding day) but don't even know if i've got the energy to drive anywhere. Anyone else feel this whacked out?
Yeah, I'm only working 5 hours a day at the moment, but even that is a struggle. I just spend the rest of the time feeling sick and headachey and completely zonked. I want to get a bit of light exercise in at the gym a few times a week, but at the moment I'm only managing about once a week.

I'm hoping the energy levels will pick up a bit when the morning sickness passes later in the pregnancy.
hi there

I think this week it is really kicking in - i have been telling everyone how fine i feel until this week and i have been in bed every evening by 7.30pm!

I am at work and was half tempted to get 5 mins shut eye in the loo!

hardly any energy now and getting out of bed in the morning for work is so hard...

anyway it all seems to go soooooo slow - 2 weeks until my scan date and i can hardly wait! this is my first...am in my 9th week.


I am feeling exactly the same, completely exhausted, I really don't remember feeling like this with my first. Everything is a complete chore, I have actually called in sick several times because I just feel so knackered and headachey - hope this passes soon cus I'm driving my OH mad!
hi i feel the same!
i am doing a full time job and feel so knackered when i get in from work and bad tempered!
i wish i could have a snooze in the afternoons as i feel i need one!
Me too :hug: I feel like I am constantly whinging at the moment - my poor husband :lol:
For me it's running round after Brody all day that is wearing me out! But I find if I force myself to go for a walk I always feel a little better.
Me too; so so shattered all the time :sleep: :sleep: :sleep:

Think I need to go to bed now :D :hug:
So true- Mel is 100% full on when he's awake. Out runs both my OH and me all the time and needs active amusing when he's awake, though he's a total sweetie and is very very good and everything. Thankfully he uses up so much energy that he still sleeps well at night and for 2 hrs during the day which has been the only way that I've been coping so far. Yesterday and today I didn't get the nap (just an hour is all I need) and OMG I feel so ill. Headachey, shaky, dizzy and like I'm wading through syrup to do anything. We went on a toddler group seaside outing today and I only got to sit down for about an hour all day and we both missed our naps and as soon as I had him in bed I had to lie down for 2 hours until I could function. I thought I was sickening! I'm working tomorrow in the morning then all weekend I had been planning to take him with me as I help run my Guides' sleepover but I'm going to have to see if I can arrange for us both to have a nap midday I think otherwise I'll be no good to anyone (and he gets very upset and hysterical anyway, calling for his bed). I had no idea how much I/we needed that nap!

I don't think this level of tiredness lasted past 12 weeks if that helps....!


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