Feeling very panicky and worried


Well-Known Member
Aug 21, 2006
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Hi all,

I'm feeling really panicky and nervous. I woke up today and it seems that all my symptoms have gone. I hardly had any in the first place except for very slight swollen boobs and even they have reduced over the past few weeks. Today my boobs feel almost normal, less full and are def less hot and less full than they were. The only thing I have is a high pulse rate and very very slight acid reflux. I have had no m/s, no frequent urination, my appetite is increased, no tiredness and I am very very paranoid that I have had a missed mc or something is wrong. I have very slight cramping but nothing that I don't normally have.

I cannot get a scan until I am at least 10 weeks and they will not see me as an emergency as I am not bleeding and have no heavy cramping.

I am so upset as I feel so helpless. Even my OH said my boobs weren't as swollen. I don't know what to do. I am too terrified to do a pregnancy test as I fear it will show my HCG has gone right down. I am only 8 and a bit weeks pg so this is why I am so nervous.
Please dont panic sweetie, I hardly had any symptoms, by 8 weeks my swollen boobs were back to normal, and I had NO other sysmptoms...I was covinced there was nothing in there!!! I luckily had my booking in scan @ nearly 9 weeks so that reassured me but I am still worried, and I am 24 weeks tomorrow, only now I am starting to show and my 20 week scan reassured me seing LO moving around...

I had cramps until around 11 weeks and was convinced AF would arrive at any moment...

Please try not to worry, thinking of you xxxx :hug:
Dinski what you are feeling is so normal. You are hungry and have indigestion, believe me these are symptons! I actually felt more tired in the 2nd tri than the first, its different for everyone. My boobs were the first thing to calm down, this is really common. Your body is just getting used to the hormones, the first tri is always worrying but soon you will relax a bit more and enjoy your hopefully sympton free pregnancy :D
dont panic hun its the same for everyone symptoms come and go and some days you will feel pregnant and others you wont just try and take it easy and stop worrying im sure all will be fine xxxx
Try not to worry, with my second daughter, i had no symptoms what so ever, i was only sick once and that was cuz i had a coughing fit!! Then when i was about 16 weeks the heartburn kicked in, but other than that i wouldnt have known i was pregnant.

I'm always worried up until i have my first scan, i think its natural, i'm scared to death now and this is my 3rd. Ive had no sickness or anything so far with this one, just tiredness. So please keep your chin up, you dont wanna stress bub out xx
Don't panic don't panic - my sore bbs went at 7 weeks, i only has m/s on & off for about 10 days that ended a couple of weeks ago - occassionally feel a bit nauseous but nothing to shout about. Be glad of the time without symptoms thats what i've learnt!
As everyone else has said on here DO NOT Panic. If there was anything seriously wrong then you would know..... I went through up till 14 weeks and kept forgetting I was pregnant as I had no "side effects" Even now I forget sometimes! ( Doesn't that sound awful! :shock: ) Keep us informed of how you get on....

Thanks gals for all your replies! Really has eased my mind. You really are a bunch of sweeties! :hug:

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