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Feeling v. worried


Well-Known Member
Mar 16, 2005
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Hi all

Hate to be a worrier but this time last pregnancy I was feeling pretty yucky with nausea and sore boobs. But this time I don't feel pregnant at all.

I haven't had bleeding, but have had period-like cramps for a few weeks but already did a post on that and it seemed to be fairly normal. Could it be a problem? I'm naturally worried the little bean hasn't thrived but don't want to worry DH with this and we haven't broken the news to anyone else yet so I don't have anyone to talk to :( .

I have my booking in appt on Thursday - do you think if I ask they will do a blood test to check my hormone levels? I don't want to seem like a massive panicker but am feeling worried and really need to put my mind at ease.

I do now get a 12w scan, but that will be over 4 weeks away - definitely don't want to wait that long. But I don't think I could ask for an early scan especially as I've had no bleeding.

I know I could be just 'lucky' not to have symptoms this time and really I did feel miserable last time in the first trimester so it would be in some ways great to have no nausea, but to be honest, there was always something comforting about the nausea as it meant my body was full of all the right hormones.

Sorry for such a long post - any advice would be greatly appreciated.

every pregnancy is different , as my doc said different baby, different feelings...

My last pg I sailed through with hardly any symptoms, up until 8 weeks this time, I felt awful!...

At 8 weeks things just started improving!

I'm sure all is ok, sending big feel better hugs :hug:
Oh dear...you and me, what a pair of worriers!

Talk it through with mw and hopefully she will be able to re-assure you.

Maybe you could get an earlier scan?
Hi Tattoed Lady!

I know what you mean! I didn't want to mention my woes in your thread as it didn't seem right, but reading it and other people's responses in fact made me more worried still about my pains & lack of symptoms as people generally are advising that 'as long as there is no pain / bleeding.....' things should be OK. But I've been having quite a lot of discomfort and now of course am taking it to mean the worst.

I may do what you did though and take another PG test. We must be due about the same time - fingers crossed for us both!

Thanks as well Kirlykird!

Hey, I think you should mention your worries to mw, my experience of losing my baby last year though was SO painful, I was double over in agony - the pain lasted days, I also had dull aches in this pg for around a week, but i think this was just implantation.......sorry I can't really help you, but just wanted to let you know that if your pains are dull aches rather than sharp pains then you may have nothing to worry about......no harm in mentioning it to mw, could you give her a call tomorrow rather than wait until thursday? The wait may be unbearable!
Period cramps are normal hun! I thought I was going to come on for weeks when I found out I was pregnant. I didn't test for over 2 weeks because I thought my period was going to come due to cramps and thought as I had just come off the pill I couldn't be pregnant but I was. I even had spotting and he still clung on! Try not to worry hun! If you're in agony then I would suggest seeing your mw, gp or going to the hospital but if it's period cramps I'd try not to worry. :hug:
I know its hard not to worry but it is so true that every pregnancy is completly different. I sailed through my first pregnancy with no problems at all, no sickness of cramping, nothing. 2nd time i was really sick for the first 4 months and spent about the first 8 weeks on the sofa with really bad cramps, it was awful. This time has been completly different again.
Thanks ladies

Well I went to Lloyds and got another PG test and it came back very strong positive in less than a minute so I'll take that to be a good sign and will try to stop worrying.

littlebump said:
Thanks ladies

Well I went to Lloyds and got another PG test and it came back very strong positive in less than a minute so I'll take that to be a good sign and will try to stop worrying.


Excellent! Sorry if I made you worry hun... :oops:
No - please don't apologise! I am such a panicker and had already been worrying for days, but you know how these things can get out of hand if you think about them for too long!

It's funny isn't it - we moan when we have symptoms but when they disappear we panic that there's something wrong!

The first pregnancy is different to subsequent pregnancies of course, and also different genders of baby can create different symptoms, but then you never can really tell in the first few weeks exactly what is going on (until scan etc when you know).
Hi,im sure everything will be ok because all pregnancys are different all of mine have been but if you are still worrying have a word with your mw on thurday im sure she will want to help to put your mind at rest.xx

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