Feeling stressed. Test result mix-ups


Well-Known Member
Dec 12, 2012
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I am really feeling on the edge today. A little background first, after my third miscarriage was confirmed, we agreed to cytogenetic testing on the pregnancy tissue (there was only a sac growing). So had erpc and everything sent off for testing, was told it would take about 6 weeks for results. Got an appointment through for 7 weeks later. I was so anxious and worried. When we got there, the man said the results weren't back and he would chase them up (don't know why they gave us an appointment with no results!!) anyways, long story short...they were never sent or lost etc. So I said I wanted karyotyping bloods cos they had messed up and I need to know if this is our issue. Had the bloods done, told results take 2 weeks but to call in three. Called today and they are not back or have been sent to one of the other consultants at the hospital, rather than the genetic counsellor who ordered them. She was very helpful and she is trying to get through to the lab but I have this horrible, sinking feeling that they have got lost somewhere and I once again, will be left with no answers for this and no results. I don't know how much more I can take with hospitals and missing tests.

If they have messed up again, what do I say to them? I can't cope with this, my OH will go mad at them and I hate it when he has a go at people about these things, I am a calmer person and hate confrontation, I am totally exhausted x
Wow Lisey you've really been messed about, I don't know how they can get away with this sort of thing, seems to happen quite a lot. Doesn't give you any confidence in our NHS system when our lives are in their hands does it.

I hope you get a break soon hun and you don't have to keep dealing with this :hugs:

hey hun i have no mc experiance but i think you need to formally complain if nothing else it cpuld stop it happening to someone else. hugs hun sorry your going through this xx
Thanks ladies, it just never seems to run smoothly. I am going to wait and see if these bloods have been lost and if they have we will definitely be putting in a complaint about it as its so unfair to be put through all this waiting and wondering after already being through the heartache of loosing three pregnancies x
God, that sounds awful. This is such a stressful and painful time for you as it is without incompetence of others giving you unnecessary anxiety too.

I really hope this gets sorted out for you soon

That is totally unacceptable. I remember how gutting it was when they left my "erpc specimen" in the wrong fridge over Christmas last year, I was so upset, but this is beyond a joke. I think your OH has every right to get a bit cross.
I hope they can sort things out quickly for you now.
I know flisstebbs, its disgraceful, we have no idea what happened to our erpc specimen which is a little unsettling as that was part of me, part of our baby :(

I finally got a call from the woman early eve yesterday and our karyotyping bloods came back normal so no probs on that side of things, that's one thing crossed off the potential issue list so feeling a bit better now x

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